Category: Education & Research

Higher education, research and technical development are quite essential not only for developed countries but also for the developing countries. These are basic instruments for raising the standard of life as expressed in terms of Gross Domestic Product GDP (PPP) per capita, the level unemployment and environmental quality. However, GDP (PPP) per capita doesn’t serve as a perfect indicator of the quality of life. Generation of knowledge, development of affordable and reliable products and services are driven by society and market needs, also the existing and emerging pressures on finding prompt solutions for the ever increasing environmental and climatic threats. These sectors – higher education – research – technical developments – are very resource demanding especially for the developing countries and hereby require high level of management in terms of policy-making, coordination, qualified human resources and solid infrastructures. The role of international organizations and donation institutes is vital for capacity building, financial and technical support including transfer-of-knowledge, training, instrumentation, education and research infrastructures.

Hydroelectric Power – An Integrated Global and Worldwide view

An interesting worldwide collection of information on hydroelectric power production around the world. Slideshows, videos, conferences and literature with rich and up-to-the-date research material on know-how from around the world. All aspects and issues about hydroelectric power are neatly integrated in one website by:, for example the HYDRO NEWSCASTS is presented at:,AAAAAEheacc~,POub7blnBC8734jZBhMSK3FWyg6YDh90&bclid=613849454001&bctid=4373274015001

Abuse of ICT and Modern Threats of Cyber-Bullying Using Electronic Technology

Social media are web-based instruments, virtually opened for everyone with no exceptions to produce, exchange and share information. As understood by the public and agreed upon they are supposed to connect people and promote social relationships between them. We all assume that they are based on truthful, real and true facts that deserve respect. In sustainable societies using modern technologies, ICT “Information Communication Technology” as any other technology is part of complex socio-economic infrastructures that should have balanced interactions to constructively increase and enrich prosperity. The role of ICT is not to create, support or accelerate social conflicts and segregation where true and civilized communication get exchanged for network-bullying, hatred, falsehood and slander.

Everything happens online on the web have consequences for our societies at large especially the social relations between people and the interaction among citizens, family, education, technology, government, and the market in general. How these relations and interactions are dealt with and regulated is basic element of public security, safety and stability in any society. Clear rules and fair laws should exist to prevent the increased abuse of social media where everything illegal can very easily spread and strengthened. Social media has evolved tremendously to become the main source of information and knowledge where “freedom of opinion” needs not to be abused, misused and exploited to increase hate, instabilities and call for crime in modern ICT-based societies.

Är Vanskötsel På Sociala Media och Nätet Ett Hot Mot Välfärden?

Sociala medier är till att främja sociala relationer mellan människor och borde baseras på fakta och respekt. I ett hållbart samhälle borde modern teknologi såsom ICT “Information Communication Technology” utnyttjas konstruktivt för att öka välfärden och inte skapa segregation där sann och civiliserad kommunikation bytts mot nät-mobbning, hat, lögn och förtal. Allt som händer på nätet har konsekvenser för samhället i stort särskilt sociala relationer mellan människor och samspelet mellan medborgare, familj, utbildning, teknologi, myndigheter och marknaden i allmänhet.

Tydliga regler och lagar borde finns för att hindra ökad missbruk av sociala medier där allt olaglig hat kan spridas och förstärkas. Sociala medier har utvecklats enormt för att bli den främsta källan till information och kunskap där “yttrande frihet” kan missbrukas och utnyttjas för ökad kriminalitet i samhället.

Idag föll domen i nätmobbningsmålet, det så kallade instagrammålet. Samhället har sagt sitt: Det är inte okej att förtala, mobba och sprida hat på nätet.

YouTube – Uppsala Universitet På Nätet (Uppsala University Online)

YouTube is becoming more and more an inevitable global alternative of written books, magazines, journals and above all powerful marketing instrument. The voice of humans “YouTube” can be very easily embedded with other visual and texted information to show and illustrate very complex phenomena and behavior of humans, e.g. this unusual video (

Spela in föreläsningar? Lägga ut material på nätet? Använda YouTube i undervisningen? Upphovsrätt, integritet och offentlighet.
Kursutbudet är stort och omfattande, men om ni ändå inte hittar just det ni söker kan den rätta kursen för er arrangeras.

Mer information:

IWA –  Water & Industry conference 2015 , 7-10 June, Västerås, Sweden!

IWA Water and Industry conference will take place at Västerås, Sweden, June 7-10, 2015. The registration opens at 8.00 on June 8 in the Mälardalen University main entrance. The conference will focus on latest developments in energy-efficient & sustainable wastewater, gas and solid waste treatment in 21st century industry. Environmentalists and chemical engineers, microbiologists, chemists and policy makers will present the most recent technological and scientific breakthroughs in the areas of management, characterization, minimization, abatement of industrial waste & wastewater. For further information visit:

Sustainable Urbanization – ICT, Green Materials & Sensors for Automation and Control 

Sustain-Earth.Com will expand on issues of relevance for the accelerating importance ofICT “Information Communication Technology and Green Materials. Sustainability in global urbanization requires using wide-range of “Sensors for Automation and Control” both within city-systems, e.g. Individual buildings and city-services, and between internal and external city-systems, i.e. on regional, national and global levels.

Here is an example of early implementation of the building automation systems (BAS) into the development of the construction documents results in a highly functional “systems” approach. BAS requirements are continually changing as building owners expect more from their systems in the areas of energy management, safety, security, interoperability, lighting, and maintenance. BAS specialists ensure that each building automation delivers optimum performance and operation at a competitive price.

More examples and solutions will be given in the future where local and regional weather and climate as well as environment and social-economic conditions will require an increasing complexity of sensor systems and ICT-solutions especially what regards coupling rural and urbane regions.


Would 3D Printing Revolutionize Global Constructions and Building?

ICT and CABD “Computer Aided Building and Design” are moving more and more towards enormous wide-spectra of constructions and applications from nano-structures to massive buildings on landscape scale.

In all future applications the needs for sustainable building and associated materials, e.g. SuperGreen cement, that integrate the three pillars of sustainability, environment, economic and social is IMPERATIVE. Follow to know more.

SuperGreen Cement – The Role Of Ancient Civilizations In Shaping Modern Technologies

In all human civilizations building and constructions were central components in human life with continuous struggle for sustainable comfort living in harmony with nature. As the concept of sustainability did not exist in the same way as we know it today, ancient solutions were based on practical use of naturally available materials in combination with the sun as source of heat and thermal energy. Climate/weather conditions played major rules in building and construction and people adapted living to their environment.

The Egyptian Pyramids, temples and living rooms were built more than 4500 years ago with zero energy consumption, zero carbon dioxide emissions and no toxic waste. How the Pyramids and those buildings were built is still matter of speculation and debate. According to historical data ancient Egyptians built the Giza Pyramids; Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure in a span of 85 years in the 26th century BC. How such sustainable technology was mastered is still a mystery what regards saving energy, water and environment.
Most of current problems today are related to implementation and use of technologies whether or not suitable for the environments. Because of this, the conform of modern technology comes with very high price in terms of economy, environment and above all an enormous loss of cultural and locally based building codes that developed throughout several generations. Only, in few cases where enough resources and investments exist there are successful examples, however it remains to see how such solution can be expanded on larger scales. The “world’s first carbon neutral zero-waste city” is slowly becoming a reality of epic proportions. The prototypical sustainable city, Masdar, is currently under construction twenty miles outside of Abu Dhabi. When finished, the city will be powered entirely by renewable energy, making it one of the world’s most sustainable urban developments. The city has its own sustainability-driven research center, which is devoted to the development of alternative energy (

Among most recent advances in building material is a new type of cement that is based on Pozzolan, which can be found in nature from volcanic deposits. Also, industrial waste from iron and power plans can be recycled and used in producing green cement. Green cements, as compared to OPC “ordinary Portland cement”, are very energy and water saving, environmentally much more friendly with no waste remains and no emissions of GHG. Also, have enormous advantages especially what regards production cost, mechanical properties, duration and maintainance. Modern technology can produce sustainable building materials, green cement, for erection of complicated structures that have excellent durability but in much much faster time as compared to ancient civilizations. Currently, the best possible sustainable building materials can bring about energy saving of more that 90% with very near zero carbon dioxide emission and zero waste remains.

To understand the importance of Pozzolan in modern technologies for production of green cement one has to back 2000 years ago. The Romans at that time started making concrete but it wasn’t quite like today’s concrete. They had a different formula that resulted in not as strong as our modern concrete. Yet structures like the Pantheon and the Colosseum have survived for centuries, often with little to no maintenance. Geologists, archaeologists and engineers have arrived a key component in the Roman’s concrete: volcanic ash. Usually,  three parts volcanic ash were mixed to one part lime, according to Vitruvius, first-century B.C. architect and engineer. Modern research shows that the very secret of durability of the buildings of the Roman Empire was due to the chemical composition of concretes made with Pozzolan, i.e. the ash’s unique mix of minerals appears to have helped concrete to withstand chemical decay and damage. For information (


Lessons Learnt – Sustainable Building & Construction Through Cultures and Civilizations

In all human civilizations building and constructions were central components in human life with continuous struggle for sustainable comfort living in harmony with nature. We give here only some few examples. As the concept of sustainability did not exist in the same way as we know it today, ancient solutions were based on practical use of naturally available materials in combination with the sun as source of heat, the wind as source of mechanical and thermal energy. Climate/weather conditions played major rules in building and construction and people adapted their living to the environment.

The Egyptian Pyramids, temples and living rooms were built more than 4500 years ago with zero energy consumption, zero carbon dioxide emissions and no toxic waste. How the Pyramids and those buildings were built is still matter of speculation and debate. According to historical data ancient Egyptians built the Giza Pyramids; Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure in a span of 85 years in the 26th century BC. How such sustainable technology was mastered is still a mystery what regards saving energy, water and environment.

Traditionally other cultures have always adapted sustainable and eco-friendly methods, e.g. Indian architecture, designing and planning, in constructions. Living in harmony with nature has been an integral part of Indian culture, e.g. what regards waste disposal, light and temperature control, use of local materials, kitchen gardens and low carbon print.

Environmentally conscious buildings have been around for much longer than the public debut of our modern environmental crisis. Since the early 19th century, residents of Yazd, Iran, have been using wind as an alternative energy source to cool their homes on warm summer days. A ‘windcatcher’ is an ancient Persian architectural element used in various central and southeastern towns and cities in Iran, where the majority of the ecological fabric are made up of deserts. In deserts, the temperature varies greatly between day and night, with windcatchers becoming essential for keeping homes at a consistently comfortable temperature. Also, for the region located in northeast Iran at the foot of Mount Sahand, the mound-like homes are carved from volcanic rock, meaning that most of the materials needed to construct them were already located on site. Technically, the dwellings aren’t true underground homes since a portion of them sits above ground, but since much of the living space is buried, inhabitants can expect cooler temperatures during the day without having to jack up the air conditioning (and saving a lot of energy). Similar volcanic structures with carved homes/villages exist also in Turkey.

In certain parts of the world, wood was always a popular building material, e.g. in Scadinavia. Yet the use of wood is seldom seen amongst the modern or classic constructions. Due to a series of destructive fires in the 15th century, the use of timber as an architectural material was banned for sometime. Danish non-profit organization Realdania Byg commissioned Vandkunsten architecture studio to design a holiday house that combines the most up-to-date construction techniques with local traditional materials. The architects designed and built a traditional house clad in seaweed—a material that was once used in hundreds of homes on then Danish island of Læsø, of which only 20 remain today.

Most of current problems today is that people implement and use technologies whether or not suitable for their environments. Because of this the conform of modern technology comes with very high price in terms of economy, environment and above the enormous loss of cultural and locally based building codes that developed throughout several generations. Only, in few cases where enough resources and investments exist there are successful examples, however it remains to see how such solutions can be expanded on larger scales. The “world’s first carbon neutral zero-waste city” is slowly becoming a reality of epic proportions. The prototypical sustainable city, Masdar, is currently under construction twenty miles outside of Abu Dhabi. When finished, the city will be powered entirely by renewable energy, making it one of the world’s most sustainable urban developments. The city has its own sustainability-driven research center, which is devoted to the development of alternative energy (

Among most recent advances in building material is a new type of cement that is based on Pozzolan, which can be found in nature from volcanic deposits. Also, industrial waste from iron and power plans can be recycled and used in producing green cement. Green cements, as compared to OPC “ordinary Portland cement”, are very energy and water saving, environmentally much more friendly with no waste remains and no emissions of GHG. Also, have enormous advantages especially what regards production cost, mechanical properties, duration and maintainance. Modern technology can produce sustainable building materials for erection of complicated structures that have excellent durability but in much much faster time as compared to ancient civilizations. Currently, the best possible sustainable building materials can bring about energy saving of more that 90% with very near zero carbon dioxide emission and zero waste remians.

Additional new comers in green cement era is effective production and construction through automation and 3D Printing technologies ( Architecture is tapping into 3D printing technology in a major way through the production of building elements and structural components. Recent developments have also begun to work on creating seismically resistant structures. California-based architecture firm Emerging Objects has developed a design called the Quake Column, which draws on the ancient Incan building technique known as “ashlar” and merges it with modern technology.

MENA – Tectonic Shifts Towards Green Building and Constructions

Building and constructions are undergoing tectonic shifts in MENA region especially in the GCC countries. To accelerate cutting down energy consumption and waste production from building and construction, the MENA region puts strict rules for supporting green technologies. Building and construction technology in the MENA region are one of the major sectors with trillion US-dollar revenues. Such shifts will require major investments for replacing the current production of unfriendly OPC-cement with more green cement. Also, building technologies that require huge consumption of energy for operation and service need to be up-dated. Technologies for huge and enormous energy and waste saving are already available but additional and dedicated work what regards adaptation and implementation would be needed.


GCC Heading Towards SuperGreen In Building and Constructions

GCC countries (Gulf Cooperation Council) are moving faster to SuperGreen solutions in building and construction projects.

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and the Emirates Green Building Council are strengthening cooperation for supporting a green economy in Dubai and the sustainable development of the Emirate. All future trends support the Green Economy for Sustainable Development initiative, launched by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

Follow the news:

Future Cities – Building Towards the Sky.

With increasing worldwide population and predictions that 75% of the world population will be living in cities by the year 2050, building towards the sky can be unavoidable necessity. That would require more durable constructions and materials with appropriate building and architecture solutions. Future  Cities would require management policies with balanced policies consumption/waste versus protection/conservation of nature in accepted social context. Http://

Lessons to be learned – Technology and Livelihood Improvement in the Rural Areas of Asia.

Among the consequences of economy driven policies in ASEAN countries is the increasing economic gaps between countries in the region. For sustainable large-scale and long-term socio-economic developments it is vital to promote less developed countries as well. Shift from commercially driven agriculture to new technologies where the regional natural resources are not only used sufficiently but, also, sustainably managed in a manner that respect traditional systems of the rural areas. 

Commercialization always has some draw-backs as well, e.g. depletion soil fertility, and excessive use of chemical fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides with long-term impacts and threats on ecosystems in different ways. Strategies need to be implemented to create sustainable and profitable farming systems that realize the existence of vital rural societies in tact with the natural functioning and metabolism of natural eco-systems and in harmony with existing biodiversity.

Smart Phones – Can Science Be Wrong? Does Technology, Industry and Politics Support the Market with no consideration to Wellbeing?

For humans safety and security are not options in life but they are basic necessities. We love things when they are good, i.e. have add-value, being safe and secure for us. We hate things when they are bad.

However, it is always a dilemma for us and a continuous challenge everyday, everywhere, to know and to judge when things are good or not? In modern times, these issues are being amplified and the threats facing us have been accelerating and expanding enormously. This is not per se because science is unable to provide the best possible answers and solutions. Science is only an instruments that we can shape, reshape, form and reform as well as to refine for our benefits and welfare of humans. Meanwhile, it is a paradox to judge how science is being used by industries, and how it impacts on the complex chain of market interactions and the communication between politicians, entrepreneurs, stakeholders and the users in general.

Without hesitation Information Communication Technology “ICT” is establishing itself more and more as essential and imperative technology of enormous impacts on everyday life everywhere. Uses and applications will continue to increase and even accelerate with further expansion and propagation in all aspects of our everyday life needs. The so-called “wireless appliances” are penetrating more and more deep in our lives. The debate on whether or not wireless technology ( is safe for all of us, including all ages, and under all conditions and circumstances is becoming more and more intensive and contradicting. Are all threats related directly to levels of electromagnetics radiation? or are the threats indirectly related to how wireless tools are being used or the way how we perceive, respond and use ICT in our lives. In this context, there is an increasing mistrust somewhere in the chain of communication science-technology-industry-entrepreneurship-market-politics-users.

Dr. Olle Johansson, M.D., Stockholm Sweden, world famous for being responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize in medicine, has studied the effects of mobile phones, Wifi etc on humans since over 20 years. He finds that the brain tumor issue is a minor thing compared to many other harmful effects including genetic damage, sleep disturbances, reduced learning capacity, concentration difficulties and psychological problems. Professor Johansson is also critical about the politicians taking risks with the whole population in spite of repeated earnest warnings from scientists. He points out that the level of eclectromagnetic exposure that humans are exposed to is huge compared with what has been there for very long periods of time. The question for science is why do we do research? Why sometines the research is acceptable by politicians and sometimes not? In this case, if radiation from wireless tools is not dangerous, then a large number of high quality scientific papers reporting harmful effects of the radiation hazards must be wrong, but it is highly unlikely. 

Here are the detail: ( see also (


Social Change is an Inevitable Part of Bringing About Sustainability 

Sustainability has three essential pillars that are needed to be coherently integrated and brought into large-scale and long-term state of equibrium: economic; environmental and social. Bringing about successful sustainable changes is a modern global challenge where the implementation of suitable management instruments for economy, environment and social are inevitable.

The responses of people to social changes can vary from good to bad. Some can immediately adapt to these changes and cast off traditions while others are being conservative and adhere to traditions and worry that changes will result in societal collapse. In reality, many changes are simply inevitable and require adjustment and adaptation for the sake of survival and societal advancement. The process of development towards sustainable social adjustment and change, however, is continuous and fluid and there would always be typical new development to be addressed.

Sustainability Research Is An Active Choice For Survival and Wellbeing

Sustainability has been part of the human awareness since the birth of the ancient man on planet Earth. The instinct for survival and wellbeing has never been crystallized in well-structured components for building up webs of instrumental coordinated solutions until the 1980s with the introduction of the most widely quoted and used definition of sustainability. An imperative and collective need put forward by the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations in 1987: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 

The Earth is a unique planet in our universe with complex functioning structure of systems that support the evolution of complex webs of metabolic processes for sustaining all living forms on Earth.

 The man has always struggled for his survival on earth and in particular to get access to and to secure affordable food resources not only for himself but for the new comers as well.

After and during the industrial revolutions, the focus of humans was directed mostly on technical issues to free mankind from manual work, to find resources and technology for  basic necessities through mechanical and machinery work. The Man realized the role of science and technology for his wellbeing and since the nineteen and twenty centuries the advances in science and technology emerged more and more to be the only inevitable route for improving the living conditions. This didn’t come for free and price and costs for humans started to be huge with clear finger-print on the accelerating divergence of the three basic drivering wheels of sustainability: economy, environment and social drivers. 


Economic interests resulted in increasing consumption of natural resources with severe impacts on degradation of the environment because of increasing waste and pollution, and piling up of social defects in particular the remarkable failure in erasing global poverty. These along with enormous indicators of the declining natural resources as being defined by the so-called resource “peaks”.

The divergence and fragmentation of these drivers and spheres brought considerable, and yet, accelerating threat for the survival of humans.  The net result of what humans achieved in science, technology, policies and politics were in direct conflict with not only the search for wellbeing but also the very basic needs for survival.

The major spheres of the functioning and metabolism of all life forms on earth were  brought out of their natural equilibrium, e.g. the atmosphere with an increasing temperature because of global warming.

Global warming and accelerating production of waste and pollution have caused enormous damage on the hydrophere with irreversible effects on the ecological resources where humans are dependent on, e.g. fish.

The growing human population still induces additional challenges for achieving the goals for global sustainability developments.

The era of sustainable developments has already started but it is still in its infancy and the needs of the necessary knowledge are enormous in particular what regards building the underlying science and technology as well as the associated management policies in all sectors and on all levels.

For more information on sustainability visit:

Http://” is an integrated coherent platform for Applied sustainability. Interests and efforts put by its coordinator and manager of started already through a simple experiment at the age of fourteen. As a young student, at Abo-Tyg/Assiut secondary school, starting to learn chemistry I bought a small amount of hydrochloric acid from my pocket money. I added the acid to a soil sample from the garden, it was a violent reaction in the test tube with evolution of gases. An exciting experiment where drew my attention with the conclusion that there must be geochemical reactions taking place in the environment. This in addition to continuous observations from summer holidays that I spent at the village of my grandfather, Cairo’s Waraa. Some local industries, farmers and poor people of the village, as is the case for many other villages on the Nile, used or you may say “abused” the water of the Nile to do their household needs, e.g. cleaning, washing animal and the removal of waste in general. These events and my experience of the continuous lack of water in the very arid environments prevailing in southern parts of Egypt as it rains one per decade etched an enormous early interest that caused gearing my early geology, chemistry and physics university education towards research on environmental waste, pollution and their impacts on global aquatic systems.

This resulted in an academic career in Environmental Physics a discipline that I created myself with further created further work in Applied Sustainability.


ICT Era and The Incredible Power of Internet on Higher Education

University education around the world is undergoing tectonic shifts by being more and more dependent on the Internet. Data given below illustrate the incredible impacts of the Internet on higher education. Such trends will even continue to expand more and more in the near future especially with consideration that ICT will not only mean communication between individuals and humans but would expand connecting machines to each others and to humans as well. With the expansion of modern ICT technology in terms of solutions, applications, infra-structures and architecture students would not need to be physically available on the campus as much as before. On-line services will continue to expand in terms of content and quality. However, it is not clear how ICT will influence the over-all economic costs of the educational services.

Is Using Ordinary Portland Cement  in Building Industries Sustainable?

Ordinary Portland cement “OPC” is the most common type of cement in general use around the world by being a basic ingredient in building industry, e.g. concrere, mortar, stucco and most non-speciality grout. It is a fine powder, typically produced by heating materials, e.g. alumino-silicate clay-materials and limestone, at very high temperatures in a kiln, along with small amounts of other materials. It is essential in many construction around the world as concrete is one of the most versatile materials in this context.

The low cost OPC, and widespread availability of other naturally occurring materials used in Portland cement, make it one of lowest-cost materials widely used throughout the world.

Portland cement is caustic, can cause chemical burns, irritation or with severe exposure lung cancer. It, also, contains some toxic ingredients such as silica and chromium. Environmental concerns are very high energy consumption arising from mining,  manufacturing and transportation of the cement and the related air pollution including the release of enormous amounts of green-house in particular carbon dioxide. Other amouts of environmental hazard involve dioxin, nitrogen and sulphur oxides as well as fine particulate dust. 

“” will expand on detailing the environmental and climatic threats of OPC and the emerging sustainable techniques and friendly materials with more environmentally, economically and socially beneficial values.