Category: Public Awareness

The bottom line for achieving sustainable socio-economic developments in modern knowledge-based societies is keeping basic education and public awareness on acceptable levels. This acceptable level can be defined on terms of having the UN-EMployment As Low As Reasonably Affordable and I will call this “UN-EM ALARA”. This is a rather simple rule that sets the requirements for basic education and public awareness in relation to labour market. This can be associated with un-employment rates of around 5% up to, but not higher than, 10% even during bad economical situations. These rates will still keep room for realistic competition without forcing wages and salaries to become low and un-attractive for having good quality of living. Achieving this is naturally a political challenge for policy-makers on all levels and would require careful monitoring and coordination of governmental policies, stakeholder’s activities, education and the labour market.
Any education below university and technical-colleague schools can be classified as basic education including traditional secondary and technical-based school education. Possibilities should be still opened for those having basic education and market-related experiences to pursue higher university studies.

Falling Oil Prices – Losers, Winners, New Challenges?

With the falling oil prices there are winners and losers. Here are some facts about the economic impacts of falling oil prices on countries around the world ( However, there are major and comprehensive efforts around the world to improve the managements of the oil and gas industries. Follow the news of the current and future challenges to cope with the falling oil prices ( where answered will be thought in one of NENA’s largest gathering for asset integrity professionals. 


Be Like a Snake and See at Night

The human eye can only see objects in daytime and not when it is dark by night. This is unlike, e.g. snakes, where they can see objects in dark space as well. The visibility of human eyes is made possible through the natural daylight coming from the sun which among its components some type of electro-magnetic radiation called “the visible light”. The visible light can also come from artificial light sources ( e.g. light bulb (heated wires), LED-lamps, flourescent, ….). Snakes for their visibility, for example, use other type of radiation called “the infra-red” which is also emitted from hot bodies including the human body. The global distribution of snakes bites leading to envenoming can be viewed at (

Researchers have now created possibilities for extending the visibility of human eyes to include in addition to visible light the infra-red radiation. Read the story below:

2016 – Foresight and Top Priorities for Africa

The sixth annual Foresight Africa captures the top priorities for Africa as by 2016, offering recommendations for African and international stakeholders for creating and supporting a strong, sustainable, and successful Africa. It is hoped that the Foresight Africa 2016 will promote a dialogue on the key issues in uencing economic development in Africa  and ultimately provide sound strategies for sustaining and expanding the economic growth to all people of Africa in the years ahead.

There are major structural failures in Africa that indeed threaten the path to successful sustainable developments in particular the accelerating urbanization which is generating high density of slums in African mega-cities with uncontrolled and major drains from the rural agricultural regions. Also, the random and aggressive  exapansion of the private sector on the shoulders of very week public sectors with poor basic services for the majority of the African populations.

Read the full reports:



Sustainable Future – ICT & Foreign Expertise Imperative In Education 

The world around us is moving steadily  and rapidly towards different distinations to meet the growing challenges for post oil and fossil-fuel era or even more seriously stated towards what we can call the post natural resources era. One exception is the solar energy which will outdate all other natural resources on earth including water and the life itself. 

This does come with a surprise as all existing knowledge and research predictions indicate that all natural resources on planet earth are, or sooner or later will be, going through peak-consumption followed by gradual decline and even annihilation. In the case of water and life it is about peak-quality and peak-life as we are also facing peak-waste and peak-pollution in this very century. However, it is only our collective human intelligence, integrated worldwide innovation and coherent hardwork combined with systematic planning and above all sustainable policies and management strategies that can save our planet from total collapse and annihilation. 

Successful transformation to sustainable future for planet Earth can not and will not be achieved without effective global dialog, shared knowledge and expertise combined with worldwide solutions and work for implementation of innovative and sustainable policies and management strategies. We can not imagine that this can be achieved by “business as usual” where only a small and localized portion of the world population has access to knowledge and expertise while the large majority of the global population lack the resources and capabilities to contribute constructively in saving planet Earth. 

It is not about finding false and destructive solutions for erasing poverty (only filling the hungry stomachs) since we will be overloading planet Earth with more blind consumption, generating and accumulating enormous waste and pollution everywhere. It is about empowering the majority of the world population with resources and capabilities to actively share the heavy responsibility for preservation and protection of our collective natural resources on earth. This is only possible if we have collective vision and mission for more sustainable future for our planet Earth. 

It is interesting to see how some first-class universities ( are taking major steps for the globalization of knowledge and increasing the mobility of expertise around the world.


Getting Our Planet on the Sustainability Road – The Reversed Engineering 

The post industrial revolution era was  geared to lifestyle based on production and consumption engineering technology. While our global lifestyle is moving on new tracks to revert what went wrong in the post industrial era new concepts are being emerging. Future  technology will involve the expansion of the so-called “Reversed Engineering” where 12 GREEN Engineering Principles would be absolutely imperative for getting our planet on large-scale and long-term sustainability roads. 

Read more about this:


2016-2100 – Sustainable Transformations Involve Seeing the Big Picture

Transformations to sustainable societies involve seeing the big picture to achieve optimization in all sectors and on all levels, i.e. for the benefit of everyone. An example is provided here, INDUSTRIAL AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT.
Join “Sustain-Earth.Com” to inform and get informed on the existing urgent and imperative global needs for transforming our life-styles and tuning them towards a sustainable future for planet Earth.

2100: Post Fossil-Fuel Era – From the known Unknowns to the Unknown Unknowns  

Humans find security in what they know, what they are familiar with and what they believe they master. Human security ( depends on building and establishing life-styles that are based on packages of knowledge, i.e. science and technology, that are in best cases founded on hypothesis and models that are still to be tested, examined and validated. Seeking security is a natural instinct for survival as living in an ocean of unknowns is associated with fear that can gradually grow and grow and piles up to end with panik and collapse. Feeling secure, which may or even can be run-away from reality, i.e. an illusion associated with moving with a “mainstream” even when we don’t know where it will end up. From history we know that a mainstream can not be always right, it is just a mainstream that can mean escape from fear and from the unknowns that can be knowns or unknowns. For decades we were moving and still moving with a global mainstream “fossil-fuel” driven by blind economy and some  packages of science and technology that we are mastering for the sake of short-term survival though not sustainable on the long-term but even destructive. 

Now everything is turned upside down, and our secured mainstream collapsed, with failing life-quality everywhere. The quality of life for all of us is degrading and dragging us in a spiral of unending anhilation. The quality of life is fading away and not any longer a priority but an option and even it is only for few of us for the sake of economical survival. An economical survival “capitalism” and not even for everyone and what was for everyone “socialism” didn’t last and failed to deliver the most essential for survival “equality in quality”. 

Our new reality, i.e. post fossil-fuel era is calling for tectonic shifts to”post-capitalist” ( and “post-socialism” (

Nevertheless, not all the science and technology that were supposed to provide sustainable security as measured in terms of life-quality was wrong as fortunately few of us believed in exploring what most of us didn’t believe in or felt uncomfortable and an inconvenient truth. Few of us went against the mainstream to search about the unknowns that are shaking the stability of life on earth and to question the knowns that are driving the mainstream. 

The world population is moving away from a known insecurity “global warming” to an new unknown insecurity “post fossil-fuel era”. An insecure future as we don’t know much about it yet, only few of us may know. With this said, the majority of us are not even prepared to change their life-styles as they not yet have access to the necessary education, resources and infra-structure to do so. Above all the only thing we know at the moment is that we will be facing an enormous challenge to limit the average global surface temperature increase to 2°C (3.6°F). Indeed, we are stepping away from an existing insecurity resulting from being dependent on unclean energy resources to a future insecurity of implementing technology that is not accessible and affordable for everyone especially in a world with population structure that will look very much different by the end of this century (


Education, R&D and Public Awareness are Imperative for Sustainable Policies 

Understanding existing pressures and constrains for implementation and performance of successful sustainable policies requires tight and continuous involvement of all citizens on large-scale and long-term socio-economic policies. 

Planet Earth is a complex living organism with delicate balance that makes possible the unique functioning and metabolism of all life forms on earth. Water, energy and natural resources are essential and basic components that contribute in the earth’s delicate balance. Modern neccessities and future challenges are becoming more and more clear and require from us and future generations to keep such balance in tact with nature’s own dynamic processes. Our consumption of water, energy and natural resources needs to take in consideration the nature’s own delicate balance. 

Visit, share and contribute in “” to inform and be informed on our growing needs for understanding the basic of APPLIED SUSTAINABILITY. An introduction is given at ABOUT (


Developing Countries – Sanitation is Still a Global Threat for Water Quality

In science there is far big gaps between theory, reality and technological applications. The same holds as well for existing enormous gaps between what the UN is wishing to implement in terms of the so-called Sustainable Developments Goals “SDG” and the reality we lived in and we still have to live with. The environmental and ecological situation, in particular water quality around the world, as it exists today did not develop over night and will not disappear over-night. Such reality is the core of lost generation in the past and for decades to come in the future (see earlier posts in The real challenges for having sustainable management policies around the world need practical solutions with strong underlying educational and public awareness infra-structures. 

There are huge needs in all education and public awareness systems around the world for basic information and practice on hygiene and sanitation issues ( with systems for strict guidelines for solid implementation in all small communities and villages in rural areas in the developing countries, e.g. Guidelines for Assessing the Risk to Groundwater from On–Site Sanitation “ARGOSS” (

Indeed, achieving sustainable quality in surface water and groundwater systems and thereby improving ecological and human life qualities in many developing countries, in particular Africa, depend on succsseful sanitation policies as sanitation is an accelerating global threat for water quality, hygiene and health as well as life quality in general.


Africa – Water Is The Core Root For Deep Poverty and Lost Generations For decades to come.

Water should be on the top agenda for promoting good quality of life in Africa. The reality of many people is far from being acceptable and the world should revise their tools what regards how to assess poverty. It is shameful that poverty is still assessed on terms and criteria that do not match modern living conditions on earth.  

Citarum River – Waste Management, Public Awareness, Education, Protection and Monitoring Are Key Issues In Water Management 

Water management explained simply means “water care” where water is being cleaned after using it and before injected it again to the environment. Water in nature is meant to be clean and fresh, and that is the way water ends it global natural cycle in the form of rain. 

Successful water management policies are not only essential for life on earth but it is imperative and should be composed of many dynamic key issues involving the effective removal of waste and pollution from joining the water cycle in all its stages. Waste and pollution management, public awareness, education, protection of water bodies and associated monitoring programs are typically carried out through major, strict and comprehensive national strategies, directives and regulations. These have to be in place all the time, anytime and everywhere, it is not a matter of being done now and then as the costs involved in rehabilitation are very huge and time consuming with complicated procedures and actions.

A typical case to illustrate is The Citarum River, indonesia, which is known as the dirtiest river in the world. The Roadmap for the rehabilitation of the river system is an extensive plan with many components and phases that is to be completed by 2023 at a total cost of $3.5 billion. This will be a huge undertaking by people and government of Indonesia for empowering communities to better plan and manage their water resources for a more sustainable future.

The importance of waste management and fresh water resources: Looking at Indonesia’s Citarum River


The Road to Sustainable Water Management For Pangani River in Tanzania

Can Ecologists and Engineers Work Together to Harness Water For The Future? This is indeed among key questions for  the sustainable managements of water resources in the Pangani River catchment. As in many river catchments in Africa constrains from climate changes and the increasing pressures on water uses call for appropriate water management strategies, policies and regulations. In particular considerations to the dynamic nature of climate change versus water resources availability and affordability for diverse needs and services has to be taken into account.

Information on the hydrology and water resources of the Pangani River, Tanzania, is given at ( 

Can Ecologists and Engineers Work Together to Harness Water For The Future?

The Nobel Peace Prize 2015 – The Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet 

The Nobel Peace Prize 2015 was awarded to National Dialogue Quartet “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011”.
The adoption of a new Tunisian constitution at the end of January has been hailed as a major milestone in the country’s democratic transition. The national dialogue process that brought Tunisia to this point is noteworthy for at least two reasons. First, the mediators in this case were insiders with a stake in the outcome. Second, changes in context, beyond the control of either party, significantly altered the strategic calculations of the negotiators and opened the window to an agreement ( Several celebrations in Tunisia addressed the importance of the ongoing transition to democracy (Tunisia Celebrating The New Constitution, e.g.

Among the international reflections on the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize for Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet are those being recently debated and released to the media in Europe (

More about the announcement and motivations of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize is given here, start your video at around 31 minutes!

Universities as Drivers of Societies in Transformation Phases

Collapse of political structures, economic pressures, constrains in natural resources, and large-scales and long-term socio-economic changes towards sustainable societies force new needs for effective and dynamic synergetic “society-university” interactions.

Higher education (, including research institutes, is inevitable what regards forcing major transformation in societies around the world. Ongoing globalization and socio-economic changes towards sustainable societies are very much coupled to the transformation in higher education itself as our world itself is in constant and fast changes and shifts.

Transformation of societies is driven by economic, political, social and cultural as well as religious powers and thereby  strategically important for building coupled “university-society” synergies for societies in transformation. In considering how universities can have effective role in coupled “university-society” synergies the following issues are of huge value: curriculum; quality and standards; diversification in teaching, research and society interactions; changes in access policies; student profiles and experiences; and  academic responses to change. 

Click to access transf-final-report.pdf


The U.S. – Assessing Tap Water Versus Bottled Water

Nany of us have many questions about tap water and bottled water in terms of quality, access and affordability? Is bottled water more pure than tap water? What is most appropriate for a state or a country in terms of water management policies and services provided to the citizen? What regulations and directives that control water quality? What feedback impacts of the quality of natural waters on household needs in particular drinking water? 

The quality of water varies considerably around the world. So, you better learn about sources and quality of your water. Even in countries with high tap water quality people still go for bottled water. In the U.S. popularity of bottled water is  exploding again. During 2014 Americans consumed about 270 single-serving bottles of water per person with total value of bottled water sold of approximately $13 billion. Within the next two years bottled water in the U.S. is expected to become the most consumped packaged beverage in the United States. Water delivered by public water supplies in the U.S. is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) while bottled water is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These two agencies have different standards for the water. In general, EPA’s quality standards are higher while FDA does have strict standards of purity and labeling that must be met by all manufacturers.

Is Bottled Water High Priced Tap Water?
It often is. About 25% of the bottled water sold in the United States comes straight out of a tap. This is also the case in many other counties around the world. It can cost over 1000 times as much as tap water. The FDA requires bottlers to identify what type of water is in every bottle. If it is marked  “from a community water system” or “from a municipal source” or something similar, you are buying the equivalent of tap water. The bottler might treat municipal or community water so that it meets the United States government’s definition of “purified water”, “demineralized water”, “deionized water”, “distilled water” or “reverse osmosis water”. It can then be labeled with those names. All steps of processing, bottling and labeling have a cost.

In the U.S. some bottled waters are specially produced and marketed as being from natural water sources. These are also regulated and labeled according to FDA definitions. Some of the more common water identities are: Mineral Water, Spring Water, Artesian Water, Sparkling Water, Ground Water and Well Water. 

In the U.S. if you are drinking bottled water because you think that it is more pure, better for your health or safer than community or municipal water you are probably not getting your money’s worth. 
One concern that motivates many people to drink bottled water instead is “taste” as some don’t like the taste of tap water.

The benefits of bottled water are mainly convenience and novelty. Instead of buying bottled water you can carry a canteen or a drinking cup and save lots of money by using tap water. For lits of reasons drinking tap water will also help the environment.
Water has no calories, no dissolved sugar, no alcohol and no caffeine. If you regularly drink water as a replacement for soda, beer, coffee or iced tea you are probably making a healthy choice. There are many real benefits of bottled water or tap water. It’s easy to drink water as an alternative beverage. So, start thinking of water as an alternative beverage. Drink bottled water when you need convenience. Drink tap water to save money and preserve the environment.


Agrictulture Management in Small Scale Farming – Catching Up With ICT technology 

Human innovation never halts and it’s not only a matter curiosity but in most cases a matter of survival. Indeed, both curiosity and survival are very much related on long-term perspective. Curiosity can generate solutions for survival and our survival instinct fuels our creativity and curiosity. 

I enjoyed very much being a student and I still love to learn as it is the only tool to refresh and jog myself forward in a turbulent and an ever changing world. For successful navigation in life you need a compass to direct yourself but there are no such ready-make compasses that are tuned for everyone. So, I created one for myself, “a survival compass driven by curiosity”. Survival makes my everyday living while curiosity gives the momentum to cope with changes and unexpected obstacles in everyday living. 

During my studies at school and even in many parts of my university education there were no luxury things like electricity, machines and modern ICT-solutions. Everything were done manually, e.g. to go long distances, solve mathematics using paper-based tables, write personal notes after teachers, and not to mention never ending stories of searching and waiting for literature for days, weeks or even months through local and national libraries and book-stores as well as personal contats. Every technical and scientific transitions in the society were met with great curiosity and my compass has to recalibrated to continue safe and secure navigatation, just because of my very instinct for survival.

In late forties and the fifties came the amazing semi-conductor technology ( and the invention of transistors which gradually changed our life in terms of bringing about intelligent tools, calculators and semi-intelligent machinery, ….. and so on. Advances never stop once humans open small doors that keep creating big inventions and changes. The whole semi-conductor technology moved forwards more and more towards automation and control. The new era of ICT-revolution has started its definite journey that no one expected that it will bring about enomous changes that we are experiencing today in modern houses and in all service-sectors. Here is an example regarding ICT applications for agriculture risk management for micro-scale farming:

UN has projected that world population could reach 9.6 billion by 2050 and debate has emerged about how best to support farmers between advocates of large-scale agricultural projects and those who prefer more targeted, small-scale efforts. Global food production must double by 2050 to feed the world. Smallholder farmers provide up to 80% of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa’s food, where the vast majority of the world’s poor people live. Long-term food security has to be based on food sovereignty in national, regional and international policies that influence food systems where small-scale farmers are important in this context. In order to thrive, farmers in the developing world need access to seed, fertiliser, microcredit and microinsurance, as well as rights to land and union representation:


Academic Career Path -Publishing Is Imperative 

In a globalised world with increasing  competition for professional careers, e.g. an academic career, or even for getting or/and maintaining or/and improving  professionslism in private or public sectors it is IMPERATIVE to be “visible”. It is a simple fact in nature that we can not see and evaluate any object unless it is, in away or another, becomes visible. In addition of being essential is also problematic how and where you need to be visible. Equivalently, it is important how your visibility is going to be judged and by whom.

The common tool and instrument for visibility in any academic career ( is “Publishing” regardless which state/stage in the academic career you are. At any stage several key questions arise along any academic career, e.g. why, how, when and where you get your material published.

For early stage researchers putting a plan for your research strategy (why and how) is critical to get a good start (

Even if you leave the research for some short periods, which might be very healthy, one can always get back to research after professional breaks (

The are considerable needs for researchers to keep contact with the outside world, i.e. apart from the small groups there are integrated in. Such contacts indeed bring in additional dimensions not only to the research itself but also to the researchers. They can also be arranged and organized in many ways and new global alternatives keep emerging, and become more and more available thanks to diverse possibilities of the social media.

As academic staff, with great pressure to publish in academic journals, it is being recognized that academic generalist networks are becoming increasingly essential, e.g. ResearchGate, or Mendeley, which help to disseminate on the web published articles and to try to obtain more citations and name among the scientific community in the existing fields of expertise. They may also help quick and easy accessibility and affordability especially for early stage academics. Also, for setting up research collaboration and international research projects, share ideas and find solutions. What concerns social media Facebook don’t clearly do it because it’s very focused on leisure and personal life but, what about Linkedin? With millions of professors and professionals connected interested in science/research? No and no again, sciences and technologies need specific ones that differentiate researchers, with specific functionalities on usability and sociability (mainly source credibility).

Here are some information for user or scientist concerning main features and how to make out of their time spent in  ResearchGate, or Mendeley, also what you can expect from each. An important aspects in social media in general is if not constantly updated (profile and papers), the effort will be useless (

Africa’s Population Have to Wait 25 Years for Electricity 

The energy trends in Africa as compared to other parts of the world show that the majority of the Africa population, 625 millions, have to wait 25 years to get electricity. Half of all electricity in sub-Saharan Africa is generated in South Africa where the generation mix is dominated by coal.

The current energy mix in sub-Saharan Africa is dominated by bioenergy, mainly fuelwood and charcoal accounting for 60%. with renewables are expanding rapidly, but only from a small base. Energy demand in this part of the world is still accounting for 4% of global demand though having 13% of global population.

This means that the UN SDG “Sustainable Development Goals” are not likely to very much delayed in Africa at least until 2040 and assuming that there are major efforts for timely implementation of whatever is needed.


ICT-Generation Is Already Ruling And Forming A New Global Future. How Would It Look?

WWW is without hesitation a historical invention that changed and still changing the fate of all humans anywhere, at anytime and in every nanosecond on planet Earth. Information Communication Technology “ICT” is moving faster and faster to involve more and more active coupling of humans and machines.

With the birth of World Wide Web “WWW” in May 1993 new generations from 1990 and beyond are now shaping out planet and our lives. The Internet seems like it has always been around and with us …. isn’t it? In this short two decades, or so, is has affected us and changed our lives far more than anything else in the whole intergrated human history with no similar parallels. The question is what this ICT-revolution will take us to and what would the world be like in say 2020 and beyond (

The fast global progress in ICT within the vast landscape of WWW has benefited enormously from all previous stages of developments. Future possibilities are very huge with increasing degree of digital and wireless communication, combined sences, embodied interactions and with computer technology that took us from central computer and many users in early 1940s to smart cities in 2020. We are heading more and more towards smarter solutions, e.g. smart homes, smart factories, smart space, smart classrooms, smart shops, and much much more. ICT for the rich, the poor, the young, the old, and furthermore between communications between humans over the whole globe, humans and machines, and machines and machines:
