Category: Economy & Investment

Capital (economics) is used in production of good and services. In this context a growing number of accounting systems have recognized the concept of taking into account natural and social capitals “Triple Bottom Line”, i.e. including ecosystems and social relations in the definition of capital. Control of capital is a primary mean for creating and maintaining wealth though it may depreciate in the production process (physical or manufactured capital) and consumption (natural or non-manufactured capital). Capital is an input for in the production process, and thereby homes and personal autos are regarded as durable goods rather than capital. In economic systems, investment is the accumulation of newly produced physical entities, e.g. factories, machinery, houses and goods inventories. In finance, however, investment is using money with the expectation of capital appreciation and interest earnings.

For achieving sustainable socio-economic developments the “Triple Bottom Line” is expected to create and maintain long-term and large-scale economic and financial stabilities with consideration to successful conservation of the global natural resources.

Sustainability A New Goal But Why the UN-Goals Come So Late?

The United Nations seems to recognize things so late that solutions become complicated, very difficult to manage and in panic things get turned up side down. What are supposed to be “scientific instruments”, available for decades, to implement became suddenly and urgently “political goals”. Yet not all science is realized as important in politics, policy-makers select and it is generally based on short-term election-driven, economy and competition-based market policies.

After more than a century of advances, progress and innovation in science and technology, the UN is suddenly asking the engagement of science. I would agree that science could have contributed much better. But this is, again, related to socio-economic political priorities. It looks like science can fix things over-night, fix everything alone and for all other sectors and for everyone in the society? We shouldn’t mix science with politics though they are inter-dependent. Were we all blind during such a long-time or were we just ignoring the failing reality and hoping “business-as-usual” will make things better. Sustainability requires early engagement of ALL SECTORS in a coherent, collective collaborative and interactive manner. What happened was an increasing fragmentation and isolation in “within” and “between” sector activities where individuals were lost in failing reality and an increasing complexity without unified holistic vision “Life on Earth”.

It is not any longer SUSTAINABLE to let it burn first then come to extinguish the fire, life on earth does not function this way. This has been more or less how WE were acting or reacting on world problems.

Life on Planet Earth until 2100 – Double “E” Global Collapse In Economy and Ecology

There are many scenarios and prognoses as well as data and observations supported by an increasing number of peer reviewed publications (in top journals such as Nature) that illustrate that planet Earth is heading to severe and double global collapse, i.e. in terms of economy and most importantly of ecology. Shrinking economy means increased poverty and degradation in ecology means increasing diseases. It is not hard to comprehend: wealthy and healthy environment means high quality of life; unwealthy planet with unhealthy environment means death or in best cases poor quality of life. It is already a growing and severe inconvenient reality in many parts around the world, just tens or hundred meters away from luxury hotels and beaches, there are densely populated slums in mega cities.

Affordable, accessible, safe and clean energy that can support the growing population and the increasing needs of consumption is an ideal painting of a rather gray reality facing a common fate for our planet. With expected future production and consumption of “net” energy and the considerable pressures on the natural “capital” resources, the global production of waste and pollution due to an accelerating urbanization keeps doubling. According to the UN Inter-Agency Mechanism on all freshwater related issues (including sanitation) it has been an increase of 20%, during the period 2000 to 2008, in the number of individuals in cities and towns of all sizes in the world who lack access to basic water and sanitation facilities.  In 2011, a reported of 2.5 billion people in the world did not use improved sanitation facilities and this number keeps increasing. Urban settlements are also a growing main source of point-source pollution even in best countries around the world including Scandinavia where anti-biotic keep injected from wastewater treatment plants to natural surface water systems with serious impacts on the flora and frequency of resistant bacteria. It is not strange that humans will face an increasing number of threats from known, such as Ebola virus disease, and yet other unknown diseases to emerge.

Would life on planet Earth survive to the end of this century? Follow to hear more about sustainability issues.

Global Trends in Education – Sustainability Is Imperative Part In Higher Education Curriculum

To counteract the increasing threats from the abuse of energy, water and natural resources and mitigate the accelerating negative impacts of “produce and consume” on quality of life, all education stages have to seriously consider weaving sustainability issues in all educational components. This has to involve applied sustainability instruments and solutions as well as building appropriate interactive links between education, politics, society and the market. There are huge information and data worldwide on continuous and increasing degradation in the atmosphere (air quality), the hydrosphere (water quality), land-water resources, the biosphere and ecosphere (biodiversity, degradation in agro- and animal production, …. ).

“Sustainability” is not only of political and social concern, it is also a natural part of modern high-quality education especially what regards higher education and research where future innovations, engineers, professionals, teachers, policy-makers, scientists, ….. etc, are being shaped and prepared to take care of the planet in much more sustainable manner. The collapsing quality of life reflects severe gaps in education and technology management structures with enhanced fragmentation and isolation within and between society sectors in terms of production, consumption and service. The main responsibility for achieving sustainable socio-economic developments anywhere in the world is through shaping education and research institutions and organizations to meet future sustainability requirements.

ICT and Market Transition – From Connecting People to Connecting Machines

Information Communication Technology “ICT” is changing very fast, as everything else around us. “ICT” is not any longer a matter of social media where Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, … etc. are instruments for connecting people, it will continue to expand its innovations to connecting machines and users of technologies. In this context, it is not only about connecting machines to machines but machines to users so even the wheels of production, consumption and communication spins even faster and faster by coupling technology and engineers to people and customers and not only people to people in much passive and “business-as usual” manner. Every one of us can imagine changing the Internet communication and traffic from having 3 billion people interacting to involving over 50 billions machines with interactive communication.

Bringing technology and engineers near to the customers and consumers is something that is need, so as technology can be better understood especially what it is best needed for, also when, where and why.

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Polution And Waste – Without Clean Air and Water All Forms Of Life Will Disappear

Two most important spheres for existence of life, and the only life in the whole universe, on earth are suffering from severe and increasing degradation. The ATMOSPHERE with remarkable changes in its global composition that has caused global warming and an accelerating deterioration in the air quality in cities around due to urbanization (70% of world population is planned to live in cities in coming decades. The HYDROSPHERE with an ever increasing degradation in the quality of natural waters with accelerating threats on the whole ecosphere and enhanced negative impacts on drinking water and food production. Though ENERGY is the primary cause of all pollution in these two spheres still much attention and resources are given to it with very little left to protect, cure and rehabilitate WATER, and to enhance its accessibility and affordability in clean forms. Follow how energy-water nexus is shaping the life on the earth

North America and The Middle East – Would Unconvential Fossil Fuel Become A Global Priority?

Many universities and research institutes around the world have huge investments in energy-related R&D “Research and Development” programs. Much of such R&D programs are primarily related to Renewable Energy Resources that can meet future demands for lowering the emissions of GHG “Green House Gases”, for mitigating the impacts of global warming and for achieving sustainable socio-economic development around the world.

However, the world energy market in terms of demand and supply is forcing other realities where the use of conventional fossil fuel resources will be gradually shifting towards increasing utilization of unconventional fossil resources. With such trends the world is facing “tectonic” challenges for “safe-clean-secure” shifts towards new extraction techniques from the so-called UHRs “Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources” with minimal environmental impacts. It is believed that UHRs is the future of the fossil fuel industry not only in North America, with the major part of UHRs, but likely globally as well. UHRs are composed of heavy oil, oil sands, unconventional gas, light-tight oil and liquid-rich shale. While, the Middle East is facing up to end ‘Easy Oil’ it is, also, turning to a much tougher and complex reality to tap their huge heavy-oil reserves ( A wide-range of investments and pilot studies are being carried out to develop appropriate technologies to boost heavy-oil production in several places in the Middle East. Such trends will expand to other regions around the world with gradual transformation to a worldwide utilization of the global UHRs.

The technology to tap heavy-oil, and to make use of, is not a new one and has already started in the US several decades ago. However it needs to be up-dated, developed and refined to meet not only the environmental and economic demands but also the diversity of UHRs in the complex geo-formations, including coupled litho- and hydrospheric ones. The University of Calgary has clear strategic direction to become one of Canada’s top five research universities by year 2016 where research and innovative teaching go hand in hand with full engagement of the communities they both serve and lead. Among the six research themes of the university’s roadmap to achieve its future goals is “Energy Innovation for Today and Tomorrow”.

Life Quality in Europe 2003-2011- How Happy is the Citizen?

Levels of optimism and happiness has declined. Public health determines the level of happiness and the satisfaction is mostly found in family life and accommodation, while the least satisfaction is being with the standard of living. The trust in key institutions (governments and parliaments) has fallen across the EU. Large differences in member states are being found what regards satisfaction. The social exclusion is dependent on unemployment, while activities in associations and voluntary work makes people feel more socially included. The gap between racial and ethnic groups is growing across the EU as the tensions between rich and poor. Difficulties from coming homes too tired to do household jobs has increased where single parent-household are disadvantaged in most domains of life quality.

CSP – Affordable Friendly Renewables For Creating Life in Deserts

DESERTEC Foundation has achieved new milestone for replication with potential for promoting the global transition to renewable energy in desert regions. It has been demonstrated in Spain, the Puerto Errado 2 (PE2) project that joined the grid already in 2012 with much more power added to the Spanish grid in 2014. PE2 is the world’s largest Fresnel CSP “Concentrated Solar Power” Plant that uses 375 000 square meters to heat water and create steam to derive turbines for generation of electricity. A revolutionary technology with clear advantages for many desert regions where PE2 uses innovative cleaning robots, air-cooled condensers for emission-free power supporting 12 000 Spanish homes.

Development of DESERTEC vision worldwide for using the efficient CSP-technology (for more information visit with less water and air-cooling systems, is an example of how to involve local communities in providing jobs, during construction and maintenance, and creating green economy and living environments. Puerto Errado 2 shows the positive impacts of renewable power plants on local economy, how economies across the earth’s sun belt can benefit as Novatec and others move into new markets around the world. A technology with advantages for sustainable socio-economic developments, lower cost than oil and similar cost as gas, an affordable and friendly energy for emission-free production and green services.

CSP technology is being widely commercialized with much added power in the past seven years especially in Spain and United Arab Emirates (Shams-I, Masdar in Abu Dhabi). This technology has huge potential in many desert regions around the world especially South America and the MENA region. However, availability of water for turning deserts to green living environments is a major limiting resource. Would it be possible to get double benefits in coastal regions where this technology can be used for desalination as well?

Out-Doors Living – Simple Constructions Can Offer New Possibilities

In many countries around the world out-doors living, especially in rural areas, with simple constructions can offer economic possibilities where housing can be integrated with nature. Solutions to benefit from solar-energy can provide access to the outer-world communication and distant services through modern ICT-technology. Needs for all household services and needs, i.e. energy, water and sanitation can be managed through solar-energy applications.
2013-09-25 20.32.34 – A Global Market and A Digital Trade Instrument

A global shop for wide-range of products and a good starting point to sale or/and to buy products, also to get information on what, where and how to find products. It opens, as well, a huge gate for introduction of products in an global trade market and makes many companies are now available on-line. This indeed, will save time for connecting people to a complex but an ever-expanding global market. The search engines of “Alibaba” add new possibilities to digital trading and will assist/direct you to handle trading-issues much effective and faster.

However, it is advised that relevant expertise has to be take part in the process of sale-buy. Though the site is opened for everyone, users and policy-makers are recommended to find suitable safety, security and protection rules for the best possible outcome from internet-handle. As we are moving fast towards more and more opened internet-handle, attention has to be taken to promote achieving sustainable socio-economic developments worldwide.

SNV – Poverty Allevation Is Much More Than Free Food

Poverty is not only the lack of food and will never end by traditional aid policies where only free-food is given to the poor. These policies have indeed not only fueled poverty but generated more and more poverty, as they turn the poor not only to passive consumers with no empowerment for own production but even counteracted their possibilities to join the era of sustainability.  We have already seen that affordability and accessibility to food is very much related to sustainable management of natural resources, in particular water and energy. Sustainable management of natural resources involves, also, holistic approaches for the protection and preservation of all natural resources through the engagement of every citizen in the society. In this context, achieving sustainable socio-economic developments around the world requires establishing appropriate instruments for true poverty alleviation, i.e. all types of poverty, where the inactive and passive poor populations around the world become actively engaged not only in food production but in all the components of achieving sustainable socio-economic developments.

The world needs much more organizations and institutions that can be both actively engaged in poverty alleviation and in engaging the poor in becoming active players for achieving sustainable socio-economic developments rather than being passive observers and consumers. In this context, “SNV Netherlands Development Organization” demonstrates many successful stories around the world. However, much more is still needed as the world competition on the natural resources, in particular water and energy, is becoming much severe.

Sustainable Socio-Economies – Is a Quality in Serve and Get Served

Successful socio-economic policies around the world depend on a simple strategy where “Serve and Get Served” should be of national concern focusing on “Quality as a Goal”. Transformation to sustainable socio-economies is becoming a global struggle to formulate policies for every citizen to use “natural resources” with minimal loss “waste”. It is about how to create “political-stakeholder-citizen” collaboration to utilize “natural resources” effectively while keeping waste and consumption under control. We are not all participating in such solutions and we even left  the consumption of natural resources and production of waste to go hand in hand to promote failing realities where threats to all life forms and degradation in all life qualities are piling up in major parts on our planet.

Successful examples around the world demonstrate that sustainable socio-economic solutions start by listening to the needs of the citizen and enpowering them to participate in “serve and get served” with focus on national quality. To achieve global socio-economic developments we should go the same path as successful nations with focus on listening to and engaging citizens.

Why Sustain-Earth? – From Failing Reality to Sustainable Reality

The planet as is managed today is facing a failing reality because of increasing and fragmented competition on natural resources with little attention to proper protection and conservation of these resources, in particular water and energy. Management of education, research and technology should consider the urgent necessity for sustainable and appropriate coupling to society, population and market needs. The increasing global population, the random use and consumption of natural resources has caused severe threats to, and degradation of, all life forms on the planet.

The Swedish Socio-Economy – Sustainability Through “Prosperity Despite Austerity”

As individuals, also in families, everyone knows that bringing economy in balance may not be a simple task especially in life transitions and critical periods, e.g. leaving school, starting university, entering the labor market, moving to another city or immigrating to a different country, also building a family and supporting the diverse needs of growing children. From here and extrapolating to community and national levels, the financial issues become more and more complicated and challenging especially for bringing about major socio-economic transformations, coping with highly dynamic globalized economy and having timely marginal for meeting environments and climate threats through appropriate mitigation policies. Among important issues in many societies are implementation of safety, security and welfare policies, also providing satisfactory public services as well as meeting known and unknown emerging economic needs arising from demographic changes

In historical perspective and throughout the world humans have developed, tested and applied may economic systems with variable levels of success. After WWII Europe went through major socio-economic transformation and political changes that brought around what we know today as the European Union. Sweden, however, demonstrated a unique example of prosperous and stable economy even during periods of severe global economic instabilities and recessions. It is interesting to demonstrate how “Prosperity despite Austerity” works in Sweden and how other countries can learn from the dynamic socio-economic policies where Swedish citizens make use of the election systems to guide politicians and politics to necessary corrections and adaptation. Can the Euro bankrupt learn from Sweden’s austerity success? Can the rest of the world extract some ideas from the economic models that brought Sweden to the very top of sustainable socio-economic societies? Well, the story has a start also. After years running an all inclusive welfare state, Sweden was by the early 90s, in deep crisis. The government pulled on the emergency brake and the social sector was reformed massively. Yet,”in comparison to many other countries, the Swedes have a great confidence in the state”. Drastic austerity measures were coupled with good tax incentives and an open budget. “We have a very long tradition of making information available to the public; this principle has had a big impact.”


Shift in Swedish Politics – Integration-Immigration Policies a Strong Public Concern

The increasing globalization and mobility around the world has caused accelerating pressures on improved integration-immigration policies. In Europe, the integration-immigration policies moved very high up in the political agendas in many countries. The outcome of the integration process versus the immigration policies achieved very much different results in Europe (see the 2007-Analysis of Integrating migrants, The importance of integration-immigration policies is reflected in the public influence on the political structure in the European countries especially in the past decades. Among the recent measures implemented by the European Union, is an initiative of 12 European Foundations, The European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). It has the objectives to strengthen the civil society in advocating for constructive approaches to migrants in Europe through grant making, capacity building and networking ( Also the issue of illegal migrants in Europe and the difficulties associated with having a decent life are being addressed. An important question that is being discussed is the actions to remedy the situation  (

The actual fate of individual immigrants is the responsibility of member states.  As elsewhere in Europe, 2014-elections in Sweden demonstrated that there is strong public concern about the integration-immigration policies with a clear message to all political parties to deal effectively with integration-immigration policies without delay (

Sustain-Earth in Arabic on Facebook Now – الحفاظ علي الارض” علي صفحات الفيسبوك الآن”

Sustain-Earth with access to arabic text is available now on Facebook.

الحفاظ علي الآرض” هو موقع للتواصل الإجتماعي وموجوده الآن علي الفيسبوك و باللغه العربيه و عليه سوف تتوافر طرق التواصل بين المهنيين بعضهم ببعض و كذلك بينهم و بين افراد المجتمع و ذلك لتحقيق التقدم الدائم و المستمر في منطقه الشرق الآوسط و شمال آفريقيا و الدول الآخري الناطقه باللغه العريبه. هذا و تجري الآن كل الإستعدادات لتوفير العمل بالآليات المناسبه. وعلي الراغبيين في المشاركه الإتصال بنا.


Sustainable Management and Pricing of Water Resources for Improved Services

Management and pricing of water resources are important issues for improving access to water and sanitation, and also for achieving sustainable socio-economic developments around the world. Financing the sustainable management of water resources is a major and accelerating challenge because of the increasing competition on water resources, still growing populations and expanding needs. Water resources and their uses shift greatly around the world and in water resource management there are increasing attention to how pricing of water could be best coupled to financial strategies as well.

Achieving sustainable managements policies is very much related to appropriate optimization of water uses to achieve the “best value for the water resources” on all levels with attention to enhancing accessibility and affordability to water and sanitation. The cost of managing water resources to reach social, economic and environmental goals is increasing due to population and economic growth as well as to climate change. This is generally true in the developing countries especially in Africa.

Formed in 2003, the European Union Water Initiative Finance Working Group (EUWI-FWG) is focused on helping to shape the financial strategy of the EUWI. The FWG group encourages innovation, the development of institutional and regulatory frameworks and capacity building. It also encourages the use of development funding as a catalyst to leverage other forms of finance, including national budgets, donors, user and private finance, to improve access by the poor to water and sanitation services.

Click to access Water_Pricing_FINAL.pdf

Detroit – Management of Water in Developing and Developed Countries.

Management of drinking water is becoming a global issue and it is not any longer a problem in the developing countries but it is, also, appearing in developed countries as well. National Geographic along with other news media, e.g. “The Guardian” are describing the accelerating demands on water resources, in particular the decreasing accessibility and affordability to drinking water. In this case it is Detroit, USA, which indeed is situated in a region rich in fresh-water resources:;

According to “The Associated Press ABC 7 News” Detroit water shutoff controversy ignited nationwide debate in the USA

A pressing and urgent question now is: how would drinking water be treated in the future and how far would we go on with privatization of drinking water. Also, how would the pricing of drinking water look like in the future and how public drinking water facilities be financed?  These are typical management issues where policy-makers should be prepared to deal with.

Sustain-Earth.Com – Connecting People For Healthy and Wealthy Future

Professionals in all sectors and on all levels around the world are corner stones in shaping the future on our planet; they are, also, leaders that can direct its path. However, for our fellow citizens to be safe, secure and share their responsibility the conservation and sustainable management of our collective natural resources on the earth requires innovation, engagement, transparency and full participation in “serve and get served”. With these objectives we can turn past difficulties, existing obstacles and future threats to solutions, admittance and prosperity.


Management of Water Resources – Can Bottled Water Accelerate Droughts?

Large-scale and long-term over-consumption of surface water and groundwater can gradually cause large areas of land to dry with gradual expansion of drought zones. Impacts of climate change, e.g. global warming, make such “irreversible” process to be even faster. Sustainable  management of water resources has to take in consideration the increasing competition on the uses of water in agriculture, industry and household sectors. In order to achieve sustainable socio-economic developments both natural and human-made impacts have to be taken in consideration. In this context “business as usual” for traditional industrial uses, such as the production of bottled water, has to be replaces, or at least supplemented by, more sustainable approaches for better conservation of water resources including the mitigation of the negative impacts of climate change. Private and public sectors have to work hand in hand to bring about long-term and large-scale sustainable socio-economic developments where uses in different sectors have to be weighted and balanced against each other and with consideration to natural effects.