Biosensors – From Kid’s World Of Lego To ICT Human-Human and Human-Machine Commnication

For small kids lego, by being a pedagogic educational instrument, means develoging free imagination and creative thinking to innovation in problem solving. Lego provides means to translate abstract ideas to concrete reality, a play for more play with unknowns in brains that can not be translated or described in words to known touchable physical realities (

What is interesting is our process of innovation is how anstract ideas in science being transferred to innovative technological solutions for real daily life applications. In the ICT world innovations have not limit and still expands and brings to us an amazing and an ever expanding magnitude of applications.

The first stage of the ICT “Information and Communication Technology” revolution brought to us infinite capabilities for connecting peaple “human-to-human” communication which involves data-transfer. It has allowed the global community to be interactive on-line and in real-time with enormous new possibilties for education to share classrooms, lectures and to provide professionals with unlimited access to “Career-Development-Plans” opportunities. See for example SANDHAN visions to promote Distant Education and technology by making ICT more acceptable to Academic Fraternity.

The second stage of ICT revolution will allow humans to communicate with their bodies and their surrounding environments ( The second stage of the ICT revolution is “human-to-life” communication through “Biosensors” where these sensors can tell us the status of our living conditions within us, i.e. In our bodies, and in our environments. In real-time and on-life they even give us unique information on different types of threats. An example of “Biosensors” is the use of DNA to detect toxic in environmental systems, e.g. lead and uranium and bacteria in water, and to give us information on food quality and health status in our bodies, e.g. through analysis of blood and urine (

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