Category: Politics & Infrastructure

Politics and basic infrastructures for society services are basic components that can promote regional security, democracy, socio-economic developments and global stability with feedback impacts on each other and on world trade, international agreements and treaties for promoting large-scale and long-term sustainable policies, e.g. green-house gas emissions, peaceful use of chemicals and nuclear energy, navigation and aviation, immigration policies, world trade, trans-boundary agreements, catastrophe and disaster aid, human rights, …… etc. Politics and basic infrastructures have also impacts on global economy, peace, security and democracy through complex global interactions of major military, religious, economic, government and democratic institutions, e.g. UN-organizations.

Emerging voices: International Water Law for Preventing Conflict on the Nile

Without access to water resources no country on the earth can survive and provide its population with the basic needs for life and development. Sovereignty of nations or populations over geographically existing natural resources in their territories did not exist duing the era of colonialism, phrases such as “equitable rights” were not recognized by colonialism who held control over the global natural resources through military power. Our understanding of equitable rights for sharing transboundary water resources, by being common natural resources, has emerged through centures and intensified in the past decades with the complete transformation of the world form colonialism to sovereign nations.

Emerging Voices: International Water Law – Preventing Conflict on the Nile

NG Itaipu Dam Brazil Megastructures – a model for successful transboundary projects!.

This world most powerful hydro-electric dam on our planet has faced several challenges and difficulties before and during its construction. However, when completed it remains to be among the most successful trabsboundary projects with minimum negative consequence on all involved partners.

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Middle East’s largest rail conference & expo, 4-5 February 2014, Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre

Middle East Rail is a huge rail exhibition and conference. It’s designed to help operators build and operate brand new rail infrastructure, as well as upgrading legacy networks.

The event brings together rail developers, transport operators, government, contractors and suppliers to talk strategy, technology and innovation.

BBC Natural World – Victoria Falls. The Smoke that Thunders.

Wildlife documentary. A tale of life on the Zambezi River, set against the epic backdrop of Victoria Falls. The story is told from the point of view of a local fisherman, Mr White, who has fished these waters for 69 years, and whose riverside companions are elephants, baboons, hippos and kingfishers. Follow the fortunes of these animals through his eyes, and learn how their lives are ruled by the moods of the river and the rains.
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Africa Climate Conference 2013,15-18 October – Arusha, Tanzania

Africa is the continent most vulnerable to current climate variability and extremes and the one most likely to suffer adverse effects of climate change. Adaptation policies and actions will be most effective if based on the best possible knowledge concerning current and future climate. Policymakers need access to the best available science to effectively respond to local, national and regional challenges. Scientists need, also, feedback from policy makers and other users of scientific data and information to develop their research priorities and to respond to stakeholder needs.

Increase of food prices cause accelerating threats on households in the MENA region.

The Middle East and North Africa “MENA” are important parts of the global food market. Food security and higher food prices are thought to be major factors in the region’s recent unrest. The MENA region is the largest wheat importer in the world, and wheat prices have doubled since 2005. With substantial and sustained increases in international prices of foods, coupled with a fast-growing domestic food demand, some MENA countries are facing growing fiscal and inflationary pressures. Most interesting, in all MENA countries, a decline in global food prices barely translates into a reduction in domestic food prices. What data shows us is that countries could reduce food price pressures considerably by tackling domestic issues, improving the targeting of subsidies and other food consumption and production policies.

Sustainable stability in the MENA region depends on acceptable solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

To bring about sustainable stability in the MENA region depends on achieving acceptable solutions for Israeli-Palestinian conflict. All existing instabilities and conflicts in the MENA region are related to the un-acceptable relations between Israel and Palestine. Since WW-II the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been causing an endless chain of conflicts, instabilities, strains and wars on several scales with engagement of major powers around the world. Such instabilities have, also, major feedbacks and negative impacts on world economy. International security, and thereby world trade, will considerably benefit from finding lasting solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations in Africa.

The eight millennium development goals of the United Nations in Africa for 2015 involve help that can be of great value for building sustainable public services and public infrastructures for counteracting poverty, improve health, education, environment, gender conditions as well as global partnership developments. Public services and public infrastructures are essential underlaying components for any sustainable socio-economic developments in modern societies. Management of public service and infrastructures on large-scale and long-term bases is IMPERATIVE for political stability and they are typically funded through taxation and governmental resources. Further information on the UN Millennium Development Goals in Africa are given at:

Strategic issues of African Energy, oil, gas, power, politics and finance can be followed at

Strategic issues about African Energy and related information on all forms of energy, including renewables, can be followed at:

African Energy is published by Cross-border Information (CbI) which is a trusted source of business intelligence with a long established research focus on the politics, energy and financial sector trends of Africa and the Middle East. It has specialist team of research analysts continually monitor commercial and political activity across our core regions, providing bespoke political risk analysis, corporate intelligence and due diligence services based on decades of experience tracking and analysing developments in these markets. It provide services to understand the dynamics at play in complex political and corporate environments. Supported by leading business information products African Energy and GSN our multidisciplinary team of experienced analysts employ an extensive network of local contacts and sources to help identify trends and potential hotspots, often long before they are picked up by mainstream international media.

CBI-information is based on independent research and staff expertise allowing to deliver a range of services carefully tailored to meet clients needs and help with information on investment decisions. CbI has worked with a wide variety of clients throughout the world, including governments and their agencies, financial institutions and energy companies, to help them with policy, strategy and investment decisions. The staff at CBI has vast experience of both working directly with clients in the public and private sectors and providing sub-contracting services to help companies seeking to answer clients’ questions. Read more about the CbI team

The Water Institute of South Africa “WISA”.

WISA was officially formed in 1987, not as a body that had been spontaneously created at that time but as one that had evolved over more than half a century incurring several name changes en route.

The mission of WISA is to provide a forum for the exchange of information and views to improve water resource management in Southern Africa. Its objectives include inter alia ‘the promotion of and application of scientific and engineering knowledge and management skills in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, investigation, research and education in connection with the natural and controlled water cycle, including but not be limited to the application of scientific engineering and management skills to all or any of hydrology water resources, river management and flood alleviation, recreation, water supply and distribution, sewerage, sewage and industrial waste treatment, disposal and water pollution control.’

Visit the homepage of WISA and learn more about its activities.