Ever, forever …. Secrets of Life

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. I have always life in me, ME ‘Mother Earth’. My star, my Sun, we share a secret together. It is the secret of life in you and me. My life, all forms of life, without you it wouldn’t be any life in ME, you and me. My star, my Sun, your gravity is holding me, is moving me around you, forever. My star, I am the only planet in a cosmic family that has life, an eternal life. Ever, forever and ever, life forever.

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. My star, burning star, reactor, fusion reactor. My star, my sun. The life in you isn’t like the life in me. I am a planet not a star. Your heat and energy are enormous. I have spheres protecting, safe-guarding me. My star, my sun. Materials and magnets screening the lethal radiation and particles from you. Ever, forever and ever, life forever.

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. Fulfilling my dreams, the dreams of life in me. The one, only one shining life on me. Giving life, life everywhere in and on ME. Life on land, life in soils, life in forests. Life in waters, lakes, rivers and oceans. Ever, forever and ever, life forever.

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. Energy in your light, shining on me, fuelling me. Photons falling on me, carrying energy, energy in motion, propagating in me. The invisible photons, colourful quanta and phonons, giving life to cells in my water and on my land. Flow of energy; atoms and molecules fuse together, generating life and energy. Ever, forever and ever, life forever.

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. Cascade of life, biodiversity expanding in me. Chains and chains forming life, webs of life, feeding on each other, feeding on me. Day, after day, year after year, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of years. Ever, forever and ever, life forever.

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. Life, lasting life, always young and fresh forever. Healthy and wealthy life; happily evolving ever and forever, here and there. Nature without schooling, ME myself a science-engineering university, all in all. Ever, forever and ever, life forever.

Ever, forever and ever, life forever. ME is a cyclopaedia and work in progress. The planet ‘Mother Earth’ and its star ‘The Sun’ have always secrets, yet are always generous. The nature and the power in ME, are legacies of life, forever. Did we understand and learn from them? Did Homo Sapiens sustain the renewable gift of life that is given to them for free? Yes or No. If yes how and if no why?

The secrets my friend, as we know them by today, seem to be blown, blown away, even gone gone with the wind, may be gone forever.

4 thoughts on “Ever, forever …. Secrets of Life

    1. farideldaoushy Post author

      Charles, thanks 🙏 a lot. I am initiating a new type of Poetry to couple science and technology to art. So, I need any form of support to proceed with this work. Thanks 🙏 a lot my friend.

    1. farideldaoushy Post author

      My sincere appreciation for your inputs and engagement. It is really great to hear from you.


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