Category: Categories, Posts & Discussions

This BLOG “sustain-earth” is an In-clusive, Inter-active, Inter-disciplinary and Inter-sectorial platform to implement “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability” in all sectors, on all levels and anywhere. It is, also, a market-oriented platform for transforming “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability”, from individual, narrow and fragmented understanding to a holistic and applied prospective. The search of man for secured living confronted with fundamental life processes on earth and resulted in major threats endangering the land-water resources and the very survival of life.

The “BLOG” is constructed in two parts: Part (1) is a “theoretical and knowledge-based one”; and Part (2) is a “practical and applied one”. Both parts are inter-related and supplement each other where Part (1) “Categories, posts & Discussions” explains the theoretical background upon which Part (2) “Pages & Note-board” is based. Both parts are spanning over all national sectors (private, public and governmental) and involve, also, inter-governmental organizations and relevant international bodies. Furthermore, the structure and built-in dynamics of the “BLOG” seek the integration of individuals, groups, companies, organizations, communities, societies, ….. etc. on both horizontal and vertical levels. The motivation, goal and vision are to bring about coherent sustainable systems through linking together all building blocks. Sustainability, i.e. concepts and knowledge therein, is being explained in Part (1) while Part (2) is devoted to more Applied and practical issues for production, communication and services.

Through its Editorial Board and Guest Bloggers and contact points, the BLOG is acting as “Open Access” instrument for coupling education and research with market and society needs, and thereby supporting professionals, including young ones, for creating, improving and up-dating “Career Development Plans” to suit an ever dynamic and changeable labor market. It is an instrument for enhancing public awareness, promoting capacity building as well as for supporting the development and management of human resources and infra-structures for quality services in public and private sectors.

With Peak Population and Peak Consumption already passed, is Sustainability Still Possible?

Even if we can ignore the reality, we can never ignore its consequences. Economic models and scientific discoveries have promoted an ever accelerating consumption of the earth’s natural resources with little consideration to population growth and the associated damage of all forms of life on the Earth. Depletion of important resources, the increasing waste and pollution combined with an accelerating population have caused poverty, disease, malnutrion and above all the definite fact of an approaching total annihilation of life on the whole planet. Survival of humans and newcomers has continuously forced impoverised people to destroy their environment. It is the very nature of humans, no one can go hungry without commiting a “crime” to fill the stomach!

But what is Sustainability and can we really achieve it, when we are regularly presented with a range of the so-called “sustainable” products and “green or organic” cleaning supplies to carbon offsets. With micro-economic markets keep supplying us with so much labeled as sustainable, the term has grown to become essentially a “bubble of sustainability”, at best indicating a practice or product slightly less damaging than the conventional alternative.

Sustainability can not be achieved by un-sustainable policies that are left over to the market without having appropriate instruments on all levels and sectors to strictly define, measure and control how sustainable is sustainable. How else can we can we achieve a goal that is not well-defined and regulated!

How enough is enough?

How enough is enough? How long can we afford to go on consuming and consuming? This is not high level mathematics and it doesn’t even need a Nobel Prize in economics. This is certainly not sustainable. Oil peak, water peak, collapse of the US dollar and end of the US!

Follow the story:

The Collapse of the US Dollar!

The collapse of the dollar is predicted.

It is not about if it would come? But rather when it would happen? This is the truth that was never told. If you can ignore the reality, it would never be possible to ignore its consequences.

So, be prepared, check out the top 5 places not to be in a “Dollar Collapse”.

Energy versus Water?

Energy left after the “Big Bang” was the origin of the Earth, water and all other natural resources on the earth including fossil fuel, wind-power and the solar-fuel. These are the fundamental drivers of the evolution of all forms of life on the earth. The dichotomy between natural resources and basic life-components that has facilitated our life, which seemed to us to be “endless”, promoted our consumption to the degree that we are running out of all resources. The dilemma of water and energy seems to be like the classical question “which came first, the chicken or the egg” and if they will disappear which will disappear first. We need energy to produce water and we need water to produce energy. Both resources are running out. As we are reaching Peak Oil, we also appear to approaching Peak Water. With the vanishing drivers of life, life itself will fade away. In other words, our planet is aging with us and the question who dies first!

Energy Transformation in NENA and Future Challenges

The MENA region is facing major challenges to meet the growing pressures on its WE “Water and Energy” resources. This would require major transformation for shaping new policies to meet the accelerating demands not only on energy but also on water. Other drivers what regards energy are high insolation rates, young and empowered workforce. Among other drivers for achieving sustainable WE-policies are increasing awareness of cost, quality, market diversity and public services.

Is Education a Right or an Obligation?

No way nowadays, anywhere around the world anyone can achieve something without education. The cry of millions or even billions of people around the world for education has never been as strong as today and would hardly become weaker. The paradox is that those who are crying for education have no instrument to get their voices heard, they have not learned how to scream after being independent for their mother’s milk.

Why Advice Fails: How to get out of the “Yes, but . . .” Rut!

To help or get helped, nothing wrong with this impulse to serve, to support, and to help others grow – is beautiful.

But what began as supportive conversation may turn into a power struggle and emotional mud.

Now how get out of the “Yes, but . . .” rut? For sure you’re in the rut and you’re responsible for getting yourself out. Not them. See how to do it!

Why is Asia is world’s largest and fastest growing economy

The global center of power and prosperity is moving to the west of the US. With such dynamic economical shift, the prospect for instability and conflicts that involve the US interest in peace, freedom and prosperity is, also, moving with it.

Asia is world’s largest and fastest-growing economy with strong evolution in its trade and technology infra-structures involving several of most economically free nations in the world. Asian-US trade is among the strongest world-wide where the US has more trade with Asia than with any other region of the world. Asian firms have huge invest in America, creating jobs, economic opportunities and increasing mutual improvements driven by more and more Asian immigration to the US.

Knowledge Triangle is Imperative for Competitive and Sustainable Growth.

Coordination of the essential components of knowledge within its three main domains “higher education – research & technology – business” is essential for achieving sustainable growth and competitiveness.

Follow how this can be achieved:

Prosperity and Growth through Education and Research – What do we learn from the German case!

Germany was totally destroyed after the WW-II. It has managed to re-build its self, unify its population (west snd east), be integrated in EU as a stronge and innovative player on several scales and fronts. The secret is using Education as an answer to establishing sustainable lifestyles in society. Along with many other institutions and organizations associated with the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development – to the common goal of establishing education for sustainable development in the curricula of kindergartens to universities.

Follow the story.

Finding Space and Education on the Earth

In 2100 we will be 11 000 000 000 people on the earth. What those numbers mean for the future of our overstretched planet. An innovative way to illustrate the demographic features on the earth is given here.

Education is global major challenge for many decades to come. In India alone in 2050, one billion “1000 000 000” persons will be involved in education at different levels!

“Fat” and “slim” populated areas on the earth exemplified by detailed satellite image of the Earth at night. The most densely populated areas have been magnified. Unpopulated areas have been shrunk to nothing. The dark areas are where people find it hard to access electricity, or use less of it.

The Great Lake Region of Africa – Fight Against Gender Based Violence.

Women Don’t Cry, business is my tool and when you empower a human-being economically he has strength, he has the power, he will walk with his aid “I”.

For decades women suffered and still in some cultures the only solution for a girl to survive is to get married as early as possible. Over the past two decades, the Great Lakes Region of Africa — notably Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda — has endured civil wars, ethnic conflict and even genocide. Women and girls have been specifically targeted through the systemic use of gender-based violence (GBV) during times of war and in post-conflict situations. In 2009, CARE–one of the largest relief and development agencies in the world—launched the Great Lakes Advocacy Initiative or GLAI.

GLAI seeks to protect the rights of women and girls through regional and global networks that advocate against gender based violence and for the implementation of relevant UN resolutions. This documentary is a testimony to the successes achieved and the challenges encountered since GLAI was launched. Each GLAI country has its own unique story to share.
Buy “Woman Don’t Cry /

Algerian wetlands

Ten new Wetlands of International Importance are extremely important additions to the Ramsar List. They represent impressive array of under-represented wetland types typical of arid lands, including salt-bed chotts, oases, and “gueltas”. They are key geographical position for migratory birds during journeys across the Sahara. These wetlands sustained rich evolutionary adaptations to the harsh arid conditions in isolated circumstances. They are, also, of unique cultural significance. WWF’s Living Waters Campaign commended the Government of Algeria for these impressive designations.

Rebels clash with Mali troops as violence surges in restive north

The contrasts between developed and developing world are quite diverse in many aspects. Major barriers do exist for many developing countries seeking transformation to modern economic structures with functioning government offices and institutions. A tremendous structuring process with enormous needs for education and capacity building on all possible levels. It is not an over-night process where you need to bridge major gaps in the many isolated sub-social communities and micro-cultures that lived apart from each others for decades, or even centuries.

Gaza chokes as Egypt’s economic garotte tightens

With the network of underground supply tunnels rapidly being shut down, prices have soared for Palestinians in the Strip. The impacts of the shut down of such “illegal structures” are also felt in many other sector activities within, e.g. transportation, communication, trade and education, with major effects on the daily life of many Palestinians. Security and safety of the citizens are major problems and have severe impacts on the social life because of the political conflicts in the region.