Category: Categories, Posts & Discussions

This BLOG “sustain-earth” is an In-clusive, Inter-active, Inter-disciplinary and Inter-sectorial platform to implement “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability” in all sectors, on all levels and anywhere. It is, also, a market-oriented platform for transforming “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability”, from individual, narrow and fragmented understanding to a holistic and applied prospective. The search of man for secured living confronted with fundamental life processes on earth and resulted in major threats endangering the land-water resources and the very survival of life.

The “BLOG” is constructed in two parts: Part (1) is a “theoretical and knowledge-based one”; and Part (2) is a “practical and applied one”. Both parts are inter-related and supplement each other where Part (1) “Categories, posts & Discussions” explains the theoretical background upon which Part (2) “Pages & Note-board” is based. Both parts are spanning over all national sectors (private, public and governmental) and involve, also, inter-governmental organizations and relevant international bodies. Furthermore, the structure and built-in dynamics of the “BLOG” seek the integration of individuals, groups, companies, organizations, communities, societies, ….. etc. on both horizontal and vertical levels. The motivation, goal and vision are to bring about coherent sustainable systems through linking together all building blocks. Sustainability, i.e. concepts and knowledge therein, is being explained in Part (1) while Part (2) is devoted to more Applied and practical issues for production, communication and services.

Through its Editorial Board and Guest Bloggers and contact points, the BLOG is acting as “Open Access” instrument for coupling education and research with market and society needs, and thereby supporting professionals, including young ones, for creating, improving and up-dating “Career Development Plans” to suit an ever dynamic and changeable labor market. It is an instrument for enhancing public awareness, promoting capacity building as well as for supporting the development and management of human resources and infra-structures for quality services in public and private sectors.

Basic Principle About Climate and Life on the Earth.

Basic principals in climate literacy and energy awareness are explained in the given link. Climate on Earth has been regulated by long and continuous chain of natural processes for billion and millions of years. Climate on Earth developed a unique evolution, coherence and equilibrium in all life processes at the earth’s surface. After the industrial revolution and the accelerating use of fossil fuel, humans have had an increasing impact and traceable negative effects on the earth’s climate and thereby the basic processes regulating life at the earth’s surface.

Ghana, Excellent Example of a Fast Growing African Nation

Ghana, the gate to Africa and a model of success! Unbelievable fast progress within many sectors of activities, energy, education, health, ICT, agriculture, tourism, … . An amazing safe and peaceful society with a high-level of democratization brought about by international trade, cultural exchange and expansion of small and medium enterprises.,com_videoflow/id,72/sl,play/task,play/

Appearing Soon “”

Coming Soon “”. An interactive BLOG with a global overview of the past, present and future progress of the concept of “Sustainability”. The evolution of “Sustainability from the very individual, narrow and fragmented understanding to a holistic and applied global prospective. Wandering of humans in the “Sustainability” landscape for secured living for themselves confronted with the very fundamental life processes on earth and resulted in major threats for survival of the earth-systems. The BLOG is organised in explanatory “Categories” for different society sectors and it will provide “Services” and “Noteboards” to Stakeholders.

Click to access

Holistic Assessment Approaches for Sustainability

Holistic assessment approaches for developing and implementing sustainability strategies for shaping strategic policies are needed on all levels of different public and private sectors. Such approaches would require Key Performance Indicators for quality assessment analysis of the three main pillars of sustainability, i.e. social, environmental and economic. How would such approaches and indicators look like?

See, this example on a partial approach

Food – How Good is Good?

Information on the quality of food we are eating, i.e. not only in terms of nutrition value but the levels and contents of toxic compounds also, is not always available for the citizens. How do we know that the food we are eating is free from toxics, or at least will not damage the organs of our body. Is it the responsibility of the citizen to find out if the food is safe or is it the responsibility of the producers or is it the responsibility of the shops selling the products or is it the institutional organizations that have to take care of the safety of the products circulating in the global “free market”?
The control mechanisms and the rules are getting diffuse and the looser are definitely the consumers!

World Water Markets

The world water markets are facing several challenges. The growing population of the world is causing increasing pressures on food, energy and services related to basic consumption. Investment in water infra-structures around the world to satisfy the increasing needs will be different in different countries. Water is needs in all society and investments will vary from one country to another depending on existing conditions, technologies and needs. Countries in arid and semi-arid regions, and countries with high population will need relatively much more resources to invest in water infra-structures.

New Challenges Meeting the US International Interests and Politics.

The world is facing a new era where nations can influence and shape world politics through their economies rarther than their militaries. The geometry of global power has become more distributed and diffuse and the challenges that the US face are becoming more complex and cross-cutting. The US is facing significant test of their leadership and new ways are needed to main the US role in the world. But, what would happen when a rising power “China” and a stablished power “US” meets and how the new political landscape in the MENA region would mean for the global political landscape?

Sharing economy on the rise in the MENA region

Collaborative lifestyles and sharing economy are gaining momentum in the Arab countries. Used products are more fashionable as a result of the popularity of online platforms for buying and selling used goods. The use of internet and modern media are flourishing in the NENA region and the huge interests in using ICT in many society sectors, e.g. trade, business, education and tourism, open new gates for global interactions.

Arab Spring to cost MENA countries 800 billions US$

According to HSBC the GDP in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Bahrain would be 35% lower 2014 as compared to what it would have been if the 2011 uprising didn’t happen. The uprising in the troubled countries in North Africa caused the oil-rich Gulf to further boom and become more richer.

Why “”

Currently, sustainability is generally treated in a theoretical manner with demonstrations of the negative impacts of over-consumption and the miss-management of natural resources. However, in a world with increasing population we can hardly continue with “business as usual”. We need to go over to practical solutions, i.e. “Applied Sustainability”. Transformation to more sustainable approaches worldwide and in all society sectors will not take place over-night.

Sorry for poor updating and interruption in Blog activities.

You may have felt poor up-dating of the Blog “” and major interruptions in the activities. The wide-range of interests within the Blog “” made it necessary to up-date the layout and construction of the Blog. Also, to have own domain with representative name that reflects the content and extent. The new “” will also allow us to fulfill our wish to improve the communication with the visitors and readers and to provide new services. It will, also, provide platform for professionals and expertise within society sectors to share knowledge and contribute in topic discussions.

Change of Blog Address

This Blog “” will get a new address “”.
The change to the new address will take place within one week.

We have a new layout and construction of the Blog to make it easier to follow the Posts and the content much easier as well as to contribute in discussions as well.

The new construction will involve a number of new interactive functions where guest Bloggers, expertise and professional will contribute as well as interacts with the media to discuss and answer their questions. The Categories of the Blog are kept wide enough to deliver solutions and approaches in all society sectors.