Category: Categories, Posts & Discussions

This BLOG “sustain-earth” is an In-clusive, Inter-active, Inter-disciplinary and Inter-sectorial platform to implement “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability” in all sectors, on all levels and anywhere. It is, also, a market-oriented platform for transforming “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability”, from individual, narrow and fragmented understanding to a holistic and applied prospective. The search of man for secured living confronted with fundamental life processes on earth and resulted in major threats endangering the land-water resources and the very survival of life.

The “BLOG” is constructed in two parts: Part (1) is a “theoretical and knowledge-based one”; and Part (2) is a “practical and applied one”. Both parts are inter-related and supplement each other where Part (1) “Categories, posts & Discussions” explains the theoretical background upon which Part (2) “Pages & Note-board” is based. Both parts are spanning over all national sectors (private, public and governmental) and involve, also, inter-governmental organizations and relevant international bodies. Furthermore, the structure and built-in dynamics of the “BLOG” seek the integration of individuals, groups, companies, organizations, communities, societies, ….. etc. on both horizontal and vertical levels. The motivation, goal and vision are to bring about coherent sustainable systems through linking together all building blocks. Sustainability, i.e. concepts and knowledge therein, is being explained in Part (1) while Part (2) is devoted to more Applied and practical issues for production, communication and services.

Through its Editorial Board and Guest Bloggers and contact points, the BLOG is acting as “Open Access” instrument for coupling education and research with market and society needs, and thereby supporting professionals, including young ones, for creating, improving and up-dating “Career Development Plans” to suit an ever dynamic and changeable labor market. It is an instrument for enhancing public awareness, promoting capacity building as well as for supporting the development and management of human resources and infra-structures for quality services in public and private sectors.

Planet Earth is Unique In A Universe full of Galaxies, Stars and Planets?

The only life in our Universe exists on planet Earth though the whole Cosmos has as much as 500 billion of galaxies, each with hundred billions of stars and millions of planets. The Solar Systems, hosting planet Earth, was created 4.5 billion years ago during the evolution of one of the oldest galaxies, the Milky Way with an age of 12-14 billion years. Earth is well located in the habitable zone of Sun that fuels its life, i.e. by being between the burning Venus and the freezing Mars. However, with the complex biogeochemical parameters, environmental and climatic conditions for life to exist, it is not strange that sustainable life on the Earth required very long time to develop. Liquid water, perfect solvent for the biochemistry of life, is also essential for sustainable life.

The life of stars, e.g. the Sun, how they are created, how long they live and how they eventually die is of interest to know. The Solar System itself is, still, part of a galaxy with own dynamics and interactions with the rest of the universe. A struggle controlled by shifting reactions, transformation and balance between gases, masses, dark matter and black holes in space full of radiations, gravity and nuclear forces.

Life somewhere, else, in this dangerous, complex and dynamic Universe is not likely to be find over-night though the very long age of the cosmos and the huge number of stars and planets.

Education and Research as Essential Instruments for Acquiring and Extending Knowledge.

By Farid El-Daoushy

Knowledge is an essential part of our consciousness, emotion and behaviour. Human beings have been, and still, in constant search about knowledge to understand themselves, their environments and their needs. Only in recent decades, education and research became indispensable global instruments for acquiring and producing knowledge where both of which involve “understanding” rather than “consuming” knowledge. Well-established and gained knowledge are continuously structured and coordinated in packages and sub-packages “the so-called disciplines”, e.g. mathematics, natural science, astronomy, medicine, economy, political science, agriculture, veterinary, animal husbandry, human sciences, law, environment…. etc., to serve education with feedback impacts on technology, industry and consumption. Beyond existing knowledge there have been increasing interests for research, i.e. search about new knowledge and for extension of our knowledge stocks. But why do we need research, isn’t it enough with what we already know? Isn’t “business as usual” what makes the market stable and keeps the machinery of production spinning fast without interruption? Why do we need to question the knowledge we already know, improve our technology and modify or even re-shape our industry? With these arguments in mind, how and where can we do research? And who can do research, and what and where are the end-users of research?

Knowledge has no barriers and the expansion of knowledge, i.e. through research, is a necessity driven by curiosity, search about the absolute reality, and the needs to uncover the very secrets of life. To understand such secrets, needs and make use of them, in particular to support and improve our lives and to comprehend the driving forces of life, penetrate in their details in order to protect it from the degradation and damage that can eventually lead to unavoidable collapse. As life on earth is part of a larger universe and an important consequence of its evolution, this makes knowledge inclusive with almost unlimited boundaries. Also, as humans and populations keep expanding in terms of growth, culture mosaic, divergence in life-style and emotions, complex consumption pattern, diminishing natural resources and an ever-increasing problems of waste and pollution. Also, our constant search about suitable means “sustainability” for survival, communication and interactions, research becomes not essential but even imperative. Education, in this context, is a pre-requirement to pursue research. Without good education, in particular high quality education, it would not be possible to maintain our knowledge in high-quality, advance and improve our knowledge for the well being of humans and future generations.

Research, as also the case of education, requires dedication, motivation and discipline, and above all transparency and a good deal of inspiration. It requires focus, hardworking and strong self-steam. Ancient civilizations demonstrated that even without high-tech it was possible to overcome the threats from nature and even to grow exponentially but with increasing damage to nature. So, with better attention to education, research and technology we must be better prepared to face future challenges.  Research is a mean to structure, compile and coordinate existing knowledge to find out gaps, limitations and weaknesses in all available knowledge. It involves setting-up goals and objectives to create plans and to seek solutions and strategies for either extending knowledge, fundamental research, or making use of knowledge, applied research. Development of new knowledge may lead to discoveries where existing unknowns can be turned to known, but research may also result in new unknowns. Turning unknowns to known and new unknowns is how our knowledge stock keeps expanding. This, however, creates a paradox both in the landscape of education and research as the expansion of knowledge may seem as a process of divergence. In reality it is, also, so as the expansion of knowledge involves production of new fragments of knowledge which at the same time makes knowledge more coherent and consistent. In this context, understanding the existing knowledge and searching about new knowledge both require convergence. Though this is evident in research, it is far from being obvious in education, which is a pre-request for research. This paradox, is the very reason for increasing problems, difficulties and failure in education and the enhanced frustration of students to perceive and recognize the coherent nature of science and thereby the direct relevance to the market in particular in the developing countries where the gap between science, technology and the market are enormous. The “apparent” divergence and fragmentation in science, and the complex and unclear connection with market and human needs, creates increasing barriers in education and promote major obstacles for students especially what regards motivation and setting-up their own Career-Development-Plans. This has, also, promoted accelerating gaps in universities what regards education contra research. For students education and reseach require patience, strong motivation and early interest which is directly linked to early stage in school education, education environments and tight follow-up and engagement by parents. For universities and schools, education and teaching should, as much as possible, involve coupling to the market and society needs, strong focus on raising scientific motivation and market awareness as well as seeking linearity in knowledge through smooth transitions and remediation of gaps.



Knowledge 2


Knowledge 1 The upper figure – Ph.D. work involves improving and refining existing knowledge; here the author of the article Farid El-Daoushy performing some research experiments in the early 1970s.

The lower figure – Environment and climate research involves field studies for observations, collection of data and samples, for laboratory analyses, to uncover the evolution of life and to assess and understand natural and man-made impacts. Farid El-Daoushy on the right, in a scientific discussion during a Scandinavian earth-science excursion in the late 1980s.


Sustainability – A “Metanoia rather than Affluenza”

The journey of science, to understand the very secret of the universe and the natural evolution of life, and the behavior of humans and the feedback impacts of technology on the fundamental drivers of life and its quality, never stops. A journey that fuels itself to complete Darwin’s “Unfinished Business”, and to search about a new vision of nature, a “Metanoia rather than Affluenza”. A journey directed by science and technology for sustainability and preservation of life, rather than for consumption and collapse of life, would help nature to resume rather than to relapse from the natural path of evolution.

Visit, Share and Contribute in Promoting Global Sustainability.

A new BLOG about applied global sustainability is available now. We will be gradually working with developing, interacting and promoting all issues relevant to applied global sustainabilty. With the NEW YEAR of 2014, you are kindly invited to visit, share and contribute in this BLOG.



How Would Science Break the Tyranny of the Luxury Journals?

Scientific discoveries and production of new knowledge involve a long chain of systematic steps where publication of science work in top-tier journals is becoming an essential step. Randy Schekman, a US biologist and Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine 2013, is warning the scientific community about the role of leading academic journals in distorting the scientific process. There have been long-standing debates about assessment of scientific publication especially in terms of originality, quality and credit. Scientific journals have grown in number dramatically in the past decades. However, only few journals, e.g. Nature, Cell and Science, have kept very high reputation through their restricted referee and publication policies, in particular the number of papers they accept. This, however, has promoted high “impact factor” for these well-established journals. “Impact factor” is very widespread for judging the quality, originality and credit of scientific publications, also, in the process of judging the quality/standard of scientific applications for funding. Randy Schekman, and many others, are very critical about the existing rules for judging science as the “impact factor”, which is used for marketing top-tier journals and for ranking scientific applications for funding, can not be regarded as an absolute indicators and a fair instrument in these aspects.

Africa – Would Solving Poverty Lead to More Poverty?

How would new Africa look like? Africa is not the poorest continent on earth. Though there is poverty and hunger in Africa, it has a huge capital of natural resources, enough to provide sustainable socio-economic growth if properly managed. Trading Africa’s natural resources against its poverty and hunger is a shortsighted strategy. It would in the long-run lead to more poverty and hunger.

History of World Population

At the onset of the ancient Egyptian civilization the world population was somewhat more than 15 million people, i.e. the current population of the Netherlands only or fifth of the current of population of Egypt today. Ancient Egyptians had therefore enough natural resources to create a civilization on their own and within their boundaries. So, peak population had passed very long time ago!

The Chinese Need to Clean-up Is A Major Challenge

Everywhere on our planet, waste management is of major concern. Life quality is very much related to successful waste-management policies. Reducing, Collecting, Sorting, Processing and Re-cycling of human and industrial waste is becoming a major industry. But do we have proper scientific and technology approaches for such vital and important industry. Waste problems have costed humanity decades, if not centuries, to understand the enormous threats of waste and pollutions that have degraded all forms of life qualities of earth.

The Global Concern of Water and Consumer’s Responsibility

Water conservation is of global concern and water issues are not only about water scarcity. Quality is essential and without public awareness and the consumer’s responsibility one would expect many new additional threats for the environment, the ecosphere and for humans.

How Septic Systems Work

In many situations household can build simple systems for water “purification” through improving and developing the existing knowledge. These systems can be of interest for people that have limited access to public services, in remote areas and in cases of water scarcity where re-use of water becomes a necessity.

The Story of Iran’s Nuclear Programme

Iran’s nuclear program is an old story with complex history, shifting politics and motivations as well as wide involvement of world powers and many players. It went through many ups and downs, moved in small steps but in the same direction. Yet it has several known and unknown dimensions.

Energy Use in Sweden

Cutting-edge technology, a wealth of natural assets and a high proportion of renewable energy – Sweden is in the front line as the world embarks on a shift to more sustainable energy systems. The journey of putting Sweden on more sustainable path started already with first global energy crisis in 1970. At that time Sweden was prepared to make the necessary shifts and transformation to move forward in the direct of creating the necessary policies for what is achieved today.