Bottled Water And Tap Water – How Good is Good? How Clean Is Clean?

Quality of drinking water, and the water for household uses, is constantly and frequently showing up as daily public concern around the world and it is indeed a serious problem of increasing dimensions.

It is a historical daily pain in Africa where people spend long time searching, collecting and also transporting water long ways. It is not only a headache and troublesome issue for millions of people in Africa but a constant source of threat as water is an effective media for conveying and spreading diseases. What is much more serious is the degradation in the quality of the natural water resources. If the “raw” water in natural systems, e.g. rivers, lakes and marine coasts, and to some extent groundwater, is contaminated then how would it be possible to get access to, at least, affordable drinking water? How would it be possible to manage other household uses?

What happens, and still happening, in Africa started to be a global concern of growing importance. Water quality is a problem that is gradually and slowly emerging in many places around the world. There are increasing number of reports on the degradation of both tap water and bottled water around the globe even in the best countries in Europe (but in very much limited extent), not to mention Asia and in particular China. Some examples are given here while others were previously addressed for discussions in different Blog posts in “” and LinkedIn groups, e.g. “Africa and MENA Sciences and Technologies” as well as Facebook and Twitter.

The impacts of increasing deterioration in natural water systems and water for household uses are, also, showing up in the public health records because of the growing threats from resistant bacteria. Anti-biotic and other pharmacological remains keep injected out in nature from wastewater treatment plants, also other known and unknown sources can be expected.


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