The world is currently facing growing pressures for transformation to clean energy in order to mitigate the environmental and climatic impacts of traditional energy sources. For Canada transformation to clean energy is still a big challenge, however it represents a unique opportunity for traditional energy producers and clean energy producers to team-up. These players have to come-up with a coherent task with the government to assure further development of traditional sources of energy in environmentally responsible manner while at the same time start grow more quickly to clean electricity sector. Resolving these issues will make it possible to meet the challenges for the transition to clean energy.
Similar challenges for countries with high carbon dioxide emission per capita, also, exist around the world but not all the countries have the same possibilities and resources for full and quick transformation to clean energy because of necessary huge capital investments, access to the required high-tech infra-structure/expertise and above all the political will. However, countries with low carbon dioxide emissions per capita, e.g. in Africa and South America, have to implement policies and encourage promotion of clean energy production while building up their technology, industry and production sectors.