Lessons To Be Learned – The Total Collapse of Uganda After Independence.

Many countries in the developing countries, in particular Africa, were unfortunate by being left in a state of political chaos after their independence. The independence of Uganda in 1963 brought the country, with the help of the British officers, in the hands of Idi Amin, an uneducated illiterate commander. The U.K. was the first country to recognize Idi Amin’s regime after the shift of power from Milton Obote, Uganda’s socialist political leader. The U.K. Prime Minister Edward Heath, during the days of the cold war, welcomed the change from “communist government”. The people of Uganda though it is a new addition of social and political life as Idi Amin promised Uganda’s population to return to democracy after his overnight coup in 1971. Since that time Uganda sank in a very unpredictable history full of state corruption, nation-wide killing and mass execution by weapons, guns and airplanes brought from the U.K. to surprise Idi Amin’s enemies. Uganda’s middle class who built Uganda’s services, economy and businesses, i.e. the Asians and Indians previously brought by the British colonialism to build railways, were asked by Idi Amin to leave Uganda within one week. This was done in a move to further humiliate the British, to hand over the wealth of Asians and Indians, about 50 000 people, and to run the country affairs by Idi Amin’s supporters. This brought Uganda in enormous economic collapse as a result of destruction of Uganda’s infrastructure of services, entrepreneurs, commercial people, bankers, also the doctors were suddenly expelled out of the country. Those who started to run the country didn’t know how to run it with severe shortage of services. The collapse of Uganda’s services and economy followed a chain of public executions by Idi Amin of the critics and opposition of regime and further state corruption through black-market trade with coffee and alcohol.


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