Category: Universities

The expansion of universities is one marked feature of the social life in the present age. All countries have shared in this movement with growth of universities, in the number of institutions, in size, and in internal complexity of organization. With time higher education moved from the periphery to the centre of governmental agendas in different perspectives especially what regards addressing many policy priorities. However, policy-makers tends to analyse universities on how they best fulfil a direct economic function while in reality it is crucial that the true role of universities in society is being understood before mechanisms to promote changes are put in place, i.e. in terms of research, educations and society services. It is important to recognize that the university is a resource for an unknown future and not only “useful knowledge” with an immediate application. While the main role of the university is education, research or scholarship and innovation are essential to the university enterprise especially when they are intimately associated with the educational process. Research-only and teaching-only staff undermines the rationale for university research. Society services conducted by universities have potential importance to stimulate regional social and cultural vitality and this in itself has, also, an economic impacts. It is important to appreciate the health of the university engine that delivers the outcomes from the university activities and not only the outcomes. All these are complex but inter-linked and essential aspects of the university’s functions in a sustainable context of growing and dynamic society and market needs.

“Sustain-earth” at Ångström’s Laboratory, Uppsala University

The news letter “Det händer på Ångström” at Ångström’s Laboratory, Uppsala University, has announced an open-call for contributions to “sustain-earth”. Translation from Swedish to English is given below.

Farid El-Daoushy, professor em vid fysik och astronomi, Ångströmlaboratoriet, hälsar alla välkomna att besöka, dela och bidra i “sustain-earth”, en blogg för marknadsföring av utbildning och forskning, popularisering av vetenskap och teknik, stödjande av ”Open Access” med fokus på hållbar utveckling.

Inbyggda funktioner finns för koppling av utbildning och forskning till samhället och marknaden på nationell och internationell nivå samt skapande av karriärutvecklingsplaner. verkar för ökad hållbarhet inom alla sektorer och på olika nivåer där Sverige är ledande.

In English.

Farid El-Daoushy, professor em at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ångström’s Laboratory (Uppsala University) welcomes all to visit, share and contribute in “sustain-earth”, a bolg for marketing education and research, popularization of knowledge and technology, and for supporting “Open Access” with focus on sustainable development.

Embedded functions are available for coupling education and research to the society and the market on national and international levels as well as for creation of Career-Development-Plans. strives towards enhanced sustainability in all sectors and on all levels where Sweden is a leading nation.

Det händer på Ångström, April 2014


An International Conference arranged by AREA-EGYPT on “TOWARDS 100% RENEWABLES AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES FOR AFRICA” will take place during April 27-30 at The American University in Cairo, New Cairo.

Call for participation, papers and sponsorship. Deadline for abstracts March 30, 2014.

In addition to the given program (see attachments), planned field visits will involve: (1) Second Day April 28th: half day Ministry Company, and Systems installed + Pyramids Visits; (2) Third Day April 29th: two hours internal visit tour to AUC Energy Labs; (3) Fourth Day April 30th: full day tour to wind farm and Red Sea Resorts.



Other relevant information “100% Renewable Energy in European Regions”:

Parliamentary Hearing_Folkecenter_Agenda_final

Draft Agenda-1


The Labor Market – Dreams vesus Reality.

Dreams are not always what one can expect in reality. When it comes to finding your favorite job, dreams may require taking risks and going through frustrations to transfer them to reality. It is am amazing journey that needs hard and continuous training on the job like running a marathon you need to be prepared for it.