Category: Editorial & Guest Bloggers

“Open Access” and “Professional Blogs” are receiving an enhanced attention and appreciation in a world where Social Media are becoming necessary and indispensable instruments for the Transfer-of-Knowledge. In this context, scientific and technical professional blogs are filling enormous gaps for effective dissemination of knowledge, in particular popularisation of the knowledge needed to promote sustainable socio-economic developments world over.

“Sustain-earth” will house all relevant Guest Bloggers with keen interests in all disciplines of “Sustainability” with associated activities to promote “Applied Sustainability” in all sectors and in all levels. A core of internationally distinguished and recognized Editorial Board will be built-up gradually.

“Sustain-earth” at Ångström’s Laboratory, Uppsala University

The news letter “Det händer på Ångström” at Ångström’s Laboratory, Uppsala University, has announced an open-call for contributions to “sustain-earth”. Translation from Swedish to English is given below.

Farid El-Daoushy, professor em vid fysik och astronomi, Ångströmlaboratoriet, hälsar alla välkomna att besöka, dela och bidra i “sustain-earth”, en blogg för marknadsföring av utbildning och forskning, popularisering av vetenskap och teknik, stödjande av ”Open Access” med fokus på hållbar utveckling.

Inbyggda funktioner finns för koppling av utbildning och forskning till samhället och marknaden på nationell och internationell nivå samt skapande av karriärutvecklingsplaner. verkar för ökad hållbarhet inom alla sektorer och på olika nivåer där Sverige är ledande.

In English.

Farid El-Daoushy, professor em at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ångström’s Laboratory (Uppsala University) welcomes all to visit, share and contribute in “sustain-earth”, a bolg for marketing education and research, popularization of knowledge and technology, and for supporting “Open Access” with focus on sustainable development.

Embedded functions are available for coupling education and research to the society and the market on national and international levels as well as for creation of Career-Development-Plans. strives towards enhanced sustainability in all sectors and on all levels where Sweden is a leading nation.

Det händer på Ångström, April 2014

From Editorial and Guest Bloggers – The African Roadmap Towards Sustainability

“” represents here the growing attention of Uganda’s political efforts for achieving sustainable socio-economic developments. “The Greens” or “Green Parties” are emerging in Africa, ROBINAH K. NANYUNJA, the President General of Uganda’s Green Party, and a Green MP Candidate for Kawempe North Constituency 2016 in Kampala Uganda, is addressing the needs for implementation of sustainability roadmaps where the green ideology puts environmental responsibility at the same level like other development sectors, means that it provides the necessary political will to curb environmental degradation, which is more often lacking with conventional governments. 

ROBINAH K. NANYUNJA is now a Guest Blogger at




The green ideology is a philosophy practiced and advocated for by a coalition of political leaders and activists, whose goal is to advocate for peace, security, unity, preservation of the environment and ecosystem for socio-economic development, all over the world. These political leaders and activists are called “The Greens”. The Green ideology rests on solidarity that can be expressed in three parts: Solidarity with all the people of the world; Solidarity with animals, nature and the ecological system; Solidarity with future generations. For more information on this Political Platform, please, visit:

The fact that the green ideology puts environmental responsibility at the same level like other development sectors, means that it provides the necessary political will to curb environmental degradation, which is more often lacking with conventional governments.  

ABOUT the author: ROBINAH K. NANYUNJA, is the President General, Ecological Party of Uganda, which is Uganda’s Green Party. She is a Green MP Candidate for Kawempe North Constituency 2016 in Kampala Uganda. Full BIO: 

Emerging Sustainable Technologies are Directed Towards Coastal Regions


Increasing pressures on natural resources, in particular availability, accessibility and affordability of Water and Energy “WE”-resources, require Sustainable Management Policies that consider shaping and integrating Sustainable Technologies to meet the growing needs for large-scale and long-term transformation to New Sustainable Life-styles. Unlike, in ancient civilization where population settlements were created at/around fresh surface-water bodies, e.g. rivers, lakes and deltas, future settlements are likely to grow faster at coastal regions “Hydroponic Coastal Colonies” and non-traditional living areas with limited fresh-water resources. Agricultural production may not require land to the same extent as in traditional farm communities; modern technology will allow more Sustainable Cities to grow on coastal areas as well. However, climate change threats for increasing sea-water levels have to be taken in consideration, what we have learned from the past safety and protection measures are always part of any successful socio-economic developments. The future is bright by innovation and not by imitation.

Shaping and Integrating Modern Technologies for Sustainable Cities and Global Food needs

By Chemist/ Safwan Elfar, Qatar