Funding of Science, Technology and Innovation in Egypt.

The Egyptian Ministry for Scientific Research has various goals to overhaul Science and Technology (S&T) activities in Egypt. It continues to restructure the S&T governance and management in Egypt, in addition to the creation of the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST), and the Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority ‘STDF’ ( Funding in this context is crucial for boosting the ongoing transition to Sustainable Societies. The STI ‘Science Technology Innovation’ bodies in Egypt comprise: HCST; STDF; MOSR ‘Ministry of Scientific Research’ please; ASRT ‘Academy of Scientific Research and Technology as well as Research Institutions and Universities.

It is crucial to continue executing serious, ambitious plans and programs to boost the scientific research drive in long-term Sustainability actions that will definitely be positively reflected in the national economy and the societal development. The mandates of STDF involve funding of S&T to support cycle of innovation; development of Egyptian research and innovation capabilities; ensure the integration of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) elements in national strategies; and bridge the gap between industry & Academia. In this context, STDF stimulates the Egyptian scientific society by funding distinguished research papers and establishing scientific partnerships with scientists from many advanced countries in order to keep track of quickly advancing technology, and be open to different societies, as well as, new economic unions, compete on the international arena, link scientific research to technological development and cooperate with civil society institutions to activate their role in the integrated scientific research system.

Here is a call for funding applications of Egyptian researchers at universities and research centre’s. These are in a framework of bilateral collaboration Egypt-Germany, deadline of applications is June 1st 2022.

تعلن هيئة تمويل العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابتكار (STDF) بالتعاون مع مؤسسة التبادل الأكاديمي الألمانية(DAAD)عن فتح باب التقدم لمنحة سفر شباب الباحثين ضمن مشروع بحثي (GE-SEED)، بتمويل يصل الى ١٥ ألف يورو في السنة، للباحثين من الجامعات والمراكز البحثية المصرية.

يتمثل الهدف الرئيسي لهذا البرنامج في تشجيع الشراكات بين الجانبين وتعزيز التعاون بين فرق البحث المصرية والألمانية وبالأخص شباب الباحثين وطلاب الماجستير والدكتوراه، وذلك في إطار مشروع بحثي مقدم من الجانبين لمدة تصل إلى عامين،
📌آخر موعد لتلقي طلبات التقدم للمنحة يوم ١ يونيو ٢٠٢٢، الساعة الثانية ظهرًا.
للاطلاع على كافة الشروط، والمُستندات المطلوبة، يرجي زيارة الرابط التالي:

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