El Niño Weather Effects Worldwide – Drought and Water Shortages In Africa

The dynamics and extent of El Niño weather phenomenon are also strongly affected by global warming with associated different secondary spatio-temporal impacts around the world, e.g. surface temperature, precipitation, droughts, flooding, storms, …….(http://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/01/22/463595760/el-ni-o-does-bring-floods-and-drought-but-theres-a-silver-lining; http://www.liveweatherblogs.com/index.php/community/groups/viewdiscussion/1455-strong-strong-to-super-el-nino-2015-2016-means-a-wild-winter-ahead-winter-outlook-2015-2016?groupid=37). Strong El Niño will weaken and could go over to La Niña (https://weather.com/news/climate/news/el-nino-noaa-february-2016-update). Such secondary impacts increase the complexity of interactive climate change effects on the earth’s system as a whole.

(In Swedish: http://www.svd.se/tiotals-miljoner-drabbas-av-el-nino)

Reuters have some photo-documentation of El Nino-related drought-effects during 2015-2016 in several parts of Aftica, e.g. Somalia, Zimbabwe, South Africa. Drying rivers and decline in shallow groundwater with serious of disasters for maize-producing districts, severe search for water by humans (because of the cutoff of water at several communal taps at dryness of wells in villages) and livestock and death of sheep, goats, donkeys, cows, also other effects of malnourishing of livestock, e.g. cows in rural regions. The United Nations World Food Programme declared that millions of people will be facing food hunger in some African countries, e.g. South Africa.

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