Category: Pages & Noteboard

This BLOG “sustain-earth” is an In-clusive, Inter-active, Inter-disciplinary and Inter-sectorial platform to implement “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability” in all sectors, on all levels and anywhere. It is, also, a market-oriented platform for transforming “Sustainability and Applied Sustainability”, from individual, narrow and fragmented understanding to a holistic and applied prospective. The search of man for secured living confronted with fundamental life processes on earth and resulted in major threats endangering the land-water resources and the very survival of life.

The “BLOG” is constructed in two parts: Part (1) is a “theoretical and knowledge-based one”; and Part (2) is a “practical and applied one”. Both parts are inter-related and supplement each other where Part (1) “Categories, posts & Discussions” explains the theoretical background upon which Part (2) “Pages & Note-board” is based. Both parts are spanning over all national sectors (private, public and governmental) and involve, also, inter-governmental organizations and relevant international bodies. Furthermore, the structure and built-in dynamics of the “BLOG” seek the integration of individuals, groups, companies, organizations, communities, societies, ….. etc. on both horizontal and vertical levels. The motivation, goal and vision are to bring about coherent sustainable systems through linking together all building blocks. Sustainability, i.e. concepts and knowledge therein, is being explained in Part (1) while Part (2) is devoted to more Applied and practical issues for production, communication and services.

Through its Editorial Board and Guest Bloggers and contact points, the BLOG is acting as “Open Access” instrument for coupling education and research with market and society needs, and thereby supporting professionals, including young ones, for creating, improving and up-dating “Career Development Plans” to suit an ever dynamic and changeable labor market. It is an instrument for enhancing public awareness, promoting capacity building as well as for supporting the development and management of human resources and infra-structures for quality services in public and private sectors.

ResearchGate – Free Access to Scientific Knowledge

Social-networking is an ever expanding activity even for scientific researchers. ResearchGate is an emerging social-media platform for researchers where about 3 million researchers from around the world, including 5 of them this year’s Nobel Laureates, are sharing scientific publications, experiences and enjoying discussions. It can be a supplemenary instrument to get free-access to literature and “knowledge”. It is, in its way to establish itself in the increasing virtual space and landscape of social-networking.

Links – Publication Platforms with “Open Access” and “Free Down-Loads”

General publication platforms where “search” gives information on specific issues/topics with “Open Access” and “free down-loads”, up-to-the-date information on “Conferences” & “Publications”:

(1) “Taylor & Francis” of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, reference works, and databases in humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, science, technology, & medicine:

(2) InderScience Publisher of academic, scientific & professional journals:

(3) ScienceDirect gives full-text science-database of numerous journal articles & book chapters:


Specific publication/policy platforms:

Water – Publication and Conferences:

(1) European Water Association (management & improvement of the water environment):

(2) International Journal on Hydropower and Dams (view and art in hydro and dam technology):

(3) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT (river & floodplain management):

(4) The National Water Rights Digest (public affairs and related subjects):