Sustainable technologies are emerging solutions that will revolutionize industries and utilize human intelligence for the very survival of the earth. It is about turning waste to eco-products, efficient and economic production, conservation of raw materials and natural resources, protection of environment and the overall improvement of air, water and ecological qualities.
Preservation of ecosystems, and improving the quality of life on our planet, is IMPERATIVE and requires collective human responsibility, transparent engagement of all stakeholders, effective and continuous interaction between all society sectors with focus on the needs of the citizen. Achieving sustainable socio-economic developments requires inclusive implementation policies for environmental awareness, for innovative Career Development Plans and for sound research and education roadmaps.
The environmental pollution, industrial and human waste have already caused many local, regional and global disasters in terms of accelerating threats and enhanced degradation in all life qualities without exceptions, collapse of eco-systems and severe pressures on land-water resources as well as irreversible damages in climate and bio-diversity.
In this context, we have an actual example on how to turn dangerous waste to eco-friendly products. From here we need to take further steps for turning a hazardous By-product in Cement Industry with environmental and health threats to engineered eco-friendly products with new applications for clean water, eco-fertilization and agro-production of food. It is not simple but it is possible. Utilization of Cement Kiln By-Pass dust in civil constructions, water cleaning and diverse agricultural purposes is an example of the so-called “Sustainable Technologies”. In cement manufacturing a by-product generated is known as “cement kiln by-pass dust”, based on its chemical composition it can be used to produce building materials, clean water and eco-agriculture products.
The main target of this process was/is to neutralize the alkalinity of cement kiln by-pass dust and use its nutrient content (potassium) to get hydroponic eco-food production and turn its toxic particulate (breath irritation and risk for lung-cancer) and gaseous nature (green-house carbon dioxide) to environmental friendly carbonates as well as utilize this hazardous material for water cleaning and production of sterilized organic fertilizers.
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