Category: Career-Development-Plans

There are increasing gaps between traditional/formal education and market requirements, i.e. for getting jobs. Formal education, also, may not directly lead to initiating businesses or joining the labor-market even in cases where the education is technical/applied as experience can be a pre-request to enter the labor market, change job, advance in a specific sector/area or even improve professionalism. National and global labor markets are becoming more dynamic and diverse, and job requirements may different from country to country or even from region to region because of cultural, social structure and languages. This is naturally in additions to “personal chemistry” and communication capabilities. “Informal” merits, e.g. personal interests, background and motivation can be very important as well.

Roadmaps and national/international instruments for shaping “Career-Development-Plans” involve Self-Assessment of interests and resources, Exploring Options and Identifying Possibilities, Preparing, Developing Revising and Assessment as well as Implementing Plans. These issues are very much related to Capacity Building and Management of Human Resources, and can be combined in step-wise and succession programs. In this context, “Career-Development-Plans” may involve re-shaping formal education and/or supplementing it with additional educational or training/practicing and follow-up modules through internships, on-the-job-coaching, job swapping, mentoring, brown-bag-lunch (quality/soft skills/safety), web-based and vestibule training, secondments, language courses/training, cultural and social adaptation. Also, integrating “informal” personal merit with “formal” ones. In cases of Management of Human Resources combined assessment programs (learning-behavior-reaction-results), e.g. individual-occupational-organizational or individual-community, can be of great value for adaptation.

The Labor Market – Dreams vesus Reality.

Dreams are not always what one can expect in reality. When it comes to finding your favorite job, dreams may require taking risks and going through frustrations to transfer them to reality. It is am amazing journey that needs hard and continuous training on the job like running a marathon you need to be prepared for it.

Irnga-Tanzania – Ruaha Marathon

Give your support to bio-diversity, environment and water issues and create public awareness to protect life from extinguision around the Great Ruaha River and the eventual the drying up of the river itself.

Ruaha Marathon, Irnga-Tanzania, is a social event which you can contribute in shaping it and improving its activities through not only being part of it but also by active initiatives and interactions. Social enterpreneurs can very well innovate in how they can be effective part of making this event move forward towards achieving sustainable socio-economic developments in Africa. All what Africa needs is INNOVATION, where people join together to share solutions. Life is about to serve and get served but do it with quality! Building up sound eco-tourism and green-awareness part supporting rural communities in Africa.