Category: Links

To enhance the dynamic interactions of “sustain-earth” with relevant websites with necessary information and knowledge on important issues a database of important links will be created. This is to help the readers and visitors to seek information and knowledge on their particular needs.

Mechanized Agriculture in Sudan – Collapse of Sustainable Land-Water Management.

UNEP along FAO, ICRAF and a number of Sudanese NGOs and institutes describe how and why the agricultural sectors in Sudan were gradually degraded and moved rapidly towards more or less total collapse because of environment over-taxation. Since the introduction of mechanization of rain-fed agriculture by the British in 1944 several negative impacts, due to lack of control and planning, were piled up during the last half of the 20th century. This has caused large-scale destruction of environment and triggered severe negative impacts in other sectors as well. The traditional and mechanized agriculture account for 55 and 45 percent respectively of the rain-fed cultivated area. The importance of the irrigated sub-sector is reflected in the fact that while it makes up only 7 percent of the cultivated area, it accounts for more than half of the crop yields. However, irrigated land has own problems. Rapid, uncontrolled privatization, random investment and failure to couple education and research to market and society needs are major causes.

Management of land-water resources in Africa is IMPERATIVE. However, past experiences show not only major failure but the great threats of the blind and random implementation of imported technologies, e.g. Sudan where its cultivable land is about 42 percent with frequent claims that it is the potential ‘breadbasket’ of Africa and Middle East. Agriculture, the largest economic sector in Sudan, became the heart of some of the country’s most serious environmental problems: wide-range of land degradation, riverbank erosion, invasive species, pesticide mismanagement, water pollution and canal sedimentation. Also rangeland’s vulnerability to overgrazing is high and its overlap with cultivation is a major source of potential conflict. The significance of these threats cannot be underestimated: not only are 15 percent of the population partly or wholly dependent on imported food aid, but the population is growing, per hectare crop yields are declining and the enhanced competition over scarce agricultural resources.

The agricultural sector in Sudan is the main source of sustained growth and backbone of Sudan’s economy. Unfortunately, the sector’s economic stake is declining more and more with the emergence of the oil industry. Sudan continues to depend heavily on agriculture, whose share fluctuates around 40 percent of the GDP. The crop and livestock sub-sectors together contribute 80 to 90 percent of non-oil export earnings. With these trends the country will face more unemployment and famine as fifty-eight percent of the active workforce is employed in agriculture and 83 percent of the population depends on farming for its livelihood.

Global warming adds new threats as the agricultural sector in Sudan is highly vulnerable to shortages in rainfall and there has been substantial decline in precipitation and climate change models predict that this trend will continue. Without major action to stop the wave of de-gradation and restore land productivity, the natural resource base will continue to shrink, even as demand grows. Resolving this issue is thus central to achieving lasting peace and food security.

Click to access 08_agriculture.pdf


An International Conference arranged by AREA-EGYPT on “TOWARDS 100% RENEWABLES AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES FOR AFRICA” will take place during April 27-30 at The American University in Cairo, New Cairo.

Call for participation, papers and sponsorship. Deadline for abstracts March 30, 2014.

In addition to the given program (see attachments), planned field visits will involve: (1) Second Day April 28th: half day Ministry Company, and Systems installed + Pyramids Visits; (2) Third Day April 29th: two hours internal visit tour to AUC Energy Labs; (3) Fourth Day April 30th: full day tour to wind farm and Red Sea Resorts.



Other relevant information “100% Renewable Energy in European Regions”:

Parliamentary Hearing_Folkecenter_Agenda_final

Draft Agenda-1


Turning Waste to Eco-friendly Solutions for Preservation of Natural Resources

Sustainable technologies are emerging solutions that will revolutionize industries and utilize human intelligence for the very survival of the earth. It is about turning waste to eco-products, efficient and economic production, conservation of raw materials and natural resources, protection of environment and the overall improvement of air, water and ecological qualities.

Preservation of ecosystems, and improving the quality of life on our planet, is IMPERATIVE and requires collective human responsibility, transparent engagement of all stakeholders, effective and continuous interaction between all society sectors with focus on the needs of the citizen. Achieving sustainable socio-economic developments requires inclusive implementation policies for environmental awareness, for innovative Career Development Plans and for sound research and education roadmaps.

The environmental pollution, industrial and human waste have already caused many local, regional and global disasters in terms of accelerating threats and enhanced degradation in all life qualities without exceptions, collapse of eco-systems and severe pressures on land-water resources as well as irreversible damages in climate and bio-diversity.

In this context, we have an actual example on how to turn dangerous waste to eco-friendly products. From here we need to take further steps for turning a hazardous By-product in Cement Industry with environmental and health threats to engineered eco-friendly products with new applications for clean water, eco-fertilization and agro-production of food. It is not simple but it is possible. Utilization of Cement Kiln By-Pass dust in civil constructions, water cleaning and diverse agricultural purposes is an example of the so-called “Sustainable Technologies”. In cement manufacturing a by-product generated is known as “cement kiln by-pass dust”, based on its chemical composition it can be used to produce building materials, clean water and eco-agriculture products.

The main target of this process was/is to neutralize the alkalinity of cement kiln by-pass dust and use its nutrient content (potassium) to get hydroponic eco-food production and turn its toxic particulate (breath irritation and risk for lung-cancer) and gaseous nature (green-house carbon dioxide) to environmental friendly carbonates as well as utilize this hazardous material for water cleaning and production of sterilized organic fertilizers.

The Labor Market – Dreams vesus Reality.

Dreams are not always what one can expect in reality. When it comes to finding your favorite job, dreams may require taking risks and going through frustrations to transfer them to reality. It is am amazing journey that needs hard and continuous training on the job like running a marathon you need to be prepared for it.

ResearchGate – Free Access to Scientific Knowledge

Social-networking is an ever expanding activity even for scientific researchers. ResearchGate is an emerging social-media platform for researchers where about 3 million researchers from around the world, including 5 of them this year’s Nobel Laureates, are sharing scientific publications, experiences and enjoying discussions. It can be a supplemenary instrument to get free-access to literature and “knowledge”. It is, in its way to establish itself in the increasing virtual space and landscape of social-networking.

Links – Publication Platforms with “Open Access” and “Free Down-Loads”

General publication platforms where “search” gives information on specific issues/topics with “Open Access” and “free down-loads”, up-to-the-date information on “Conferences” & “Publications”:

(1) “Taylor & Francis” of scholarly journals, books, eBooks, reference works, and databases in humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, science, technology, & medicine:

(2) InderScience Publisher of academic, scientific & professional journals:

(3) ScienceDirect gives full-text science-database of numerous journal articles & book chapters:


Specific publication/policy platforms:

Water – Publication and Conferences:

(1) European Water Association (management & improvement of the water environment):

(2) International Journal on Hydropower and Dams (view and art in hydro and dam technology):

(3) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT (river & floodplain management):

(4) The National Water Rights Digest (public affairs and related subjects):