SciFest 2015 at Uppsala University – Science Festivals For Nurturing Your Creativity Nature

The National Science Foundation and The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USA support Science Festivals. This is, also, the case for many highly ranked universities and research institutes around the world. Science Festivals ( can draw large crowds and are more than parties under big tents. They last for several days up to even a couple of weeks with participation of students, staff, professionals and administrators from academia, public and private sectors. Events, programs and live demonstrations can pop up, sometimes even in unexpected places. It is about establishing science as part of local cultures, attracting the attention and participation of whole communities.

Science Festivals bring the public into direct interaction with scientists and engineers where gained experiences generate momentum for science engagement throughout the rest of the year. They also involve academia, professionals from different sector organizations and on all levels in public outreach and create more active engagement with science in the community. 

To increase your motivation and for art lovers please visit “Nurture your creative nature at

Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden) will have its SciFest 2015 in 19-21 March at “Fyrishov”, Uppsala, to know more about the activities and the program please visit

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